As our society becomes less
religious, with fewer people regularly attending
religious services or being formal members of a
religious denomination, families are becoming more
familiar with the idea of holding a Naming Ceremony
for a child. At the newsagents you will find a small
selection of Naming Day cards next to an equally
small selection of Christening Cards. Nonetheless, I
am still getting bookings where the parents tell me
they have never been to a naming ceremony. And it is
not uncommon to find that most people attending the
ceremony have a very hazy idea of what a naming
ceremony is, or what function it serves. One of the
reasons, I believe, for the popularity of 1st
birthday naming ceremonies held in conjunction with
the first birthday party.
What is a naming ceremony?
A naming ceremony is a formal ceremony in which a
child is welcomed to the world, to the family, and
to the community of family and friends in which they
live. While it is often referred to as a secular
christening, the ceremony can include expressions of
faith. It doesn't replace a christening, baptism, or
other religious ceremony that admits a child to
membership of a religion or religious denomination.
But it can complement a christening. Some families
choose to have both, particularly when some of the
family are believers and some are not.
What happens during a
naming ceremony?
The core components of a naming ceremony are:
- Appointment of godparents
While godparent is the term used in
christenings, in Australia it is widely
understood in a secular sense, devoid of
religious responsibility, to be an older, wiser
person who supports both the child and the
parents. Other common terms used for this role
include sponsor, guideparent, mentor, and
guardian, though it must be stressed that
appointing guardians as part of a naming
ceremony has no legal effect.
- Acknowledgement of significant adults,
such as grandparents
- Formal giving of the child's name(s),
including the reasons behind the choice
Common additional components are
- The story of the child's birth
- Promises to the child
- Reading(s)
- A Ritual, such as the lighting of a candle.
Why have a naming
I confess. I love working with families to create a
naming ceremony that is perfect for them and their
child. Not only is it a lovely occasion, I believe
there are long-term benefits. However, not everyone
agrees with me on that point. I have had celebrants
comment to me that they can't see the point of a
naming ceremony, which is also a comment I
occasionally hear from people who are not
celebrants. So why have a naming ceremony? Apart
from the obvious reason, that is, to have a formal,
celebratory function to celebrate your child, which
basically, is what the celebration of any birthday
is, a celebration of the person, that they exist,
that they are part of our lives. There are six good
reasons for holding a naming ceremony.
A naming ceremony
challenges the parents to reflect on parenthood
blue was the bride's garter - something she
wore in expectation of it being taken off (a custom
developed to stop people tearing bits off the
bride's clothes for luck!). The colour blue has been
associated with loyalty, faithfulness, and purity
for centuries. It is also the colour that is
believed to ward off the Evil Eye, a belief still
honoured by charms, particularly in the Middle East.
A naming ceremony allows
for formal public expressions of appreciation
When a child is christened in church, the parents
and godparents are present round the font, but the
focus is totally on the child, on promises made on
behalf of the child. The godparents have duties,
responsibilities, and obligations in relations to
the child's spiritual upbringing, as do the parents,
but nothing is said about why they were chosen. The
grandparents are ignored. In a naming ceremony there
is room, and reason, to express appreciation, not
just of and to the godparents, but also to
grandparents and other significant adults.
A naming ceremony is a
gathering of support for the parents
Whatever the rationale for holding a naming ceremony
might be, first and foremost it is a means of
gathering support for the parents, particularly the
mother of the the child. The people the couple
invite are those they are most likely to call on for
help and support when needed. So it is both a
preemptive move and a source of comfort to be able
to gather them together to be with the parents and
the child in a relaxed, though formal, situation in
which a request for support and a reminder of the
responsibility each of us has for the welfare of
each and every child can be delivered.
A naming ceremony is
insurance for the future
However sweet your babe is, come the teenage years
and accusations of "y
ou don't love me, you don't
care, you never wanted me" are very likely to
be thrown at you. Having the evidence of what was
said and done in their naming ceremony, the promises
you made in front of witnesses, might help.
A naming ceremony
demonstrates that morality is not the sole
province of faith
At heart, a naming ceremony is deeply rooted in
family values, in a moral view of life and
A naming ceremony is fun
Any occasion with a lot of children present is bound
to have "moments", many of them hilarious, as
children, totally devoid of any sense of occasion or
social etiquette, do their own thing, and say what
they think, often very loudly. It is also an
opportunity to catch up with friends and family
members, indulge in sweet treats, and generally kick
back. Of course it is going to be fun.
More information about
naming ceremonies
Thanks for reading!