Pimp Up Your Wedding
Ceremony Program to the Max
Cram - Brisbane Marriage Celebrant ©
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding
Planning }

Most wedding
programs (the printed "menu" for your wedding
ceremony) are pretty boring. The standard program, for
which templates abound, is basically the order of
events in the ceremony, plus the supporting cast list
(wedding party, parents, and celebrant), with a
title that identifies the marrying couple, and where
and when the ceremony is being held.
Often there will be a thank-you on the back, and
sometimes a memorial note to acknowledge loved ones
who have passed away may be included, and that's it.
Is it any wonder that it is not unusual to find many
of them left behind when the guests leave the
Occasionally a couple might also include some details
about their music choices (very much recommended),
ceremony readings (not a good idea), or their vows (a
very bad idea).
However, there are many ways to make your program an
exciting guide to your wedding, something that guests
will want to keep.
Why have a program
A printed wedding program can serve several purposes
- It acts as an enhancement to the ceremony itself
- It answers the who and what questions that
guests may have
- It gives the guests something to read before the
- It gives the ceremony a keepsake
- It is a great place to include a reminder about
venue policy regarding confetti or other tosses
Make your program something
worth keeping
Think outside the box. Lean in to your guests' natural
curiosity. Use your program as a complement to your
ceremony, not just a signpost to it.
- Music choices
What is played and when it will be played is the
usual information. Ramp up the interest level by
sharing why you chose each piece,a what it means
to you
- Information about Cultural or ritual
Where your guests may be unfamiliar with some
aspects of your ceremony, your program is a great
place to include a few words of explanation
- More than their names
Share a little about your wedding party, why they
are so important to you
- Your story
Recounting the delicious details of your love
story for your guests to read before the ceremony
starts achieves two very important things - it
allows your ceremony to focus more on the present
and your intentions and plans for your future
together, and it fills in the blanks for those who
are not across the details of your relationship
- Memorial to loved ones no longer with us
A few well-crafted words in remembrance of loved
ones is a significant way to honour them.
- Your wedding hashtag
Include your wedding hashtag to facilitate
crowdsourcing photographs taken from the
perspective of individual guests
- Your wishes about Social Media
A note in your program is a good way to
reinforce your wishes about Social Media (for
example if you would prefer guests not to post
photos of your wedding)
- Your dream team of vendors
It takes many people to deliver the wedding of
your dreams. Acknowledge all of them. Your
photographer/videographer, live musicians/DJ, your
Hair and Makeup Artist, your florist, your cake
maker, your celebrant, of course, and any others
- Thank yous
It is the rare wedding that happens without the
(unpaid) help of friends and loved ones. Thank
them. If you drove to ceremony in your uncle's
pride and joy vintage, or muscle, car. Thank him
for that. If your best friend's nana spent hours
making the cookies for your favours, thank her for
that. And so on. Everyone likes to be appreciated
and acknowledged. And they will treasure your
program. You might even have to print a few
extras. As the local newspapers used to say, every
name printed in the paper sells at least two
Pimp your program up to a
full-blown guide to your wedding
Gone are the days when the only option for a printed
program was the services of a commercial printer and a
very restricted selection of formats. While a basic
wedding program tends to be printed on card, either as
a single sheet or a folded card, the availability of a
wide range of DIY stationery and home office printers
makes it easy to produce multiple-page programs,
removing the necessity for brevity.
The challenge has always been three very simple things
- Designing the program
- Finding the right paper
- How to fasten multiple pages together
Not a problem in 2021! You have plenty of choice in
relation to design, everything from digital print
suppliers that provide a wide range of predesigned
templates so you can input your details and order
printed copies, to designers who will supply you
with a digital file so you can print your own to
bespoke designers and printers who'll do it all for
you, to going 100% DIY. Long arm staplers are cheap.
And there is always the option of stitching the
pages together with ribbon, twine, or a sewing
machine, or tying them together with a ribbon or
menu tassel.
When you are going
multi-page ...
A multi page program in reality is usual only 8 sides.
With modern printers it is easy to use the bookfold
option to print on A4 which will then fold down to A5
size. The most common size for blank cardstock covers
available from places that specialise in DIY supplies
for wedding invitations.
You might want to swap out the usual front cover title
Program with your names and the date for
something like
Your Guide to our Wedding which
gives you the option of including more information
about what is going to happen after the ceremony, for
- Information about post-ceremony photography,
including group photographs
- A reminder about the when and where of your
- Whether there is a bar tab or not, and what
drinks will be available.
You could also include the menu, and the reception
COVID information
While COVID restrictions and requirements remain in
place, your program is a good place to remind people
to sign in. With the agreement of your venue for the
ceremony, you could even print the QR code in the
program, which will remove the line-up to sign in the
ceremony space.
Three cheers for double-sided sticky tape, and
glassine envelopes. Instead of having separate cones
or bags for dried petals, attach them to the program.
Or you might like to substitute a small pack of
Three things that you should
never include in your program
Your program serves as a guide to your ceremony, an
introduction that adds to the anticipation and
excitement. It should not "give the game away" and
ruin what should be memorable moments by sharing them
beforehand ...
- your vows
- your readings
- anything that will be repeated in the ceremony
Thanks for reading!