In the movies, and in celebrant
rants, it is always late brides cop it. Of
course, brides do arrive late on occasion,
this is more likely to be because the hair and
makeup people run late, or the photographer decides
that a few more photographs are more important than
the guests, than a bride being selfish. Thankfully,
neither of these things happen often, though I once
did have a bride arrive two hours late for her
Valentine's Day wedding, leaving guests (and me)
standing in the sun, while excuses about traffic
were relayed. Subsequently I discovered that the
photographer had decided to do a whole "styled"
photo shoot with the large bridal party draped on
and around vintage cars. That was the last time I
waited for a late bride! As long as both of
the marrying couple are there for the legal bits,
there is no legal reason not to welcome the guests,
and even tell their story without them being
In the real world, however, it is not uncommon that
guests are late. Which leaves me, as your celebrant,
and you, the marrying couple, in an unenviable
position. Exchanging your vows in front of a lot of
empty seats, or starting without your parents,
grandparents, close and special friends and
relatives, or even members of your wedding party, is
not something that anyone wants to do. After all,
having those people miss your ceremony, or come
clomping in half way through it, is not something
that is going to do much for your ongoing
relationship. But having people wander in half
way through the ceremony, particularly in a chapel
where it is impossible to just sneak quietly in,
does nothing for the look and feel of the ceremony,
either. And in the current heatwave conditions,
having other guests or your celebrant suffering
heat-illness because they've been waiting around in
the heat, is going to do nothing for the happy
atmosphere. Having someone collapse and needing to
be carted off in an ambulance will put a serious
dent in your plans.
How to make sure guests
know to be on time
- Tell them the start time more than once
Obviously you're going to put the start time on
your invitations. But if you have a wedding
website, put it on there too. And send email
updates or do Facebook posts about things that
mark milestones towards the wedding. For example
Today we met with the people who are going to
style our ceremony space. We can't wait to see
how the gorgeous chairs we've chosen for the
ceremony look on the day. Don't forget, your
bottom will need to be on the chair we've
hired for you by 3.00 pm which is when the
ceremony will start!
- Consider the format of how you convey the
While it isn't formal etiquette, neither is
being late, so in my book it is perfectly
acceptable to add emphasis such as 3.00 pm
sharp, The ceremony will commence
promptly at 3.00 pm , or 2.45 pm for
3.00 pm start.
- Be blunt and personal
If you know that someone who is important to you
has a habit of being chronically late,
regardless of how important or formal the
occasion, be direct. Tell them that the ceremony
will start, regardless of whether they are there
or not. If you are uncomfortable about doing
that yourself, delegate someone influential in
the circumstances to deliver the message. Your
parents, the best man/maid of honour, or someone
close to them.
How to make sure your
guests will be on time
- Provide explicit detail about travel routes
and parking
I've had several occasions where someone was
terribly late because they "got lost". Detailed
information about how to get to the venue
(personalised for Mr or Miss Unpunctuality, if
necessary) with travel time and heads-up about
major sporting fixtures or other events
happening along the route on the day, is a
really good idea. You can't always trust GPS.
Explicit directions about where to park,
information about how to get from the car park
to the ceremony site, with approximate walking
time, and warnings about alternatives if the car
park is full when they get there can eliminate
the commonest reason for people being late, not
factoring in the time it takes to find a spot
and then make their way to the ceremony site.
- Give them information about all the
transportation alternatives
In addition to information useful for anyone
driving to your wedding, for out-of-town guests
give them information about local, reliable taxi
services and public transport from where they
are staying to the ceremony venue. A
personalised mud map never goes astray. Nor does
information about anything that might hold them
- Use group pressure tactics
Arrange ride-shares, group arrivals, anything
that will make sure that Mr or Miss
Unpunctuality will travel to the wedding in a
group that will leave without them if necessary.
A bus is a good idea - with strict instructions
to the driver. RBT and parking are always good
justifications for such arrangements.
How to make sure your
witnesses and wedding party are on time
If your witnesses are not
part of your wedding party - and choosing
grandparents, the friends who introduced you, or
someone else is a lovely, gracious way to honour
them - if they are late you have a legal issue.
As your celebrant, I need to know who those
witnesses are, and be sure that they are
present. And naturally, you want your wedding
party to be there to support you. That's why you
chose them.
- Have the wedding party get ready with you
Generally speaking, this is the way it is done.
They help, and they are in your preparation
photos. And you all set out for the ceremony
- Communicate the consequences
Occasionally a member of the wedding party will
be flying in, the plane may be delayed, or, for
logistically reasons, they are coming straight
to the ceremony. And your witnesses may not be
part of the inner circle who are getting ready
with you. So you need to make sure that they
know that, if they are not present at ceremony
time, the ceremony will go ahead without them,
and substitute witnesses will be used.
- Have a Plan B
Your witnesses just have to be adults who are
sober and present at the time. So have a back-up
plan if you think there is any likelihood that
one or both of your witnesses will be late. And
make sure that your witnesses know they will be
bumped if they are late. Last minute
substitution for late bridemaids or groomsmen
isn't a practical proposition, because they will
be wearing your carefully chosen and coordinated
wedding clothing. But, swapping out their role
and special duties is absolutely doable. Whether
it is holding your bouquet, presenting the
rings, doing a reading, or something else, we
can organise a last minute substitution. I'm
always available to do the reading. Bouquets can
be handed to someone seated in the front row.
Rings can be presented by someone else. Not a
Of course, all of the above does require that
you, the marrying couple, are ready to start the
ceremony promptly. You don't want cranky or unwell
Thanks for reading.