8 Things
I've Learned Over 11 Years of Being a Celebrant
are some things I’ve learned over 11 ( going on 12)
years of being a celebrant
It’s never to early to book your celebrant
There are only 52 weekends in the Year…. And
therefore it is never too early to book your celebrant -
or your photographer, or your venue! It is tough having
to tell lovely couples who really, really want to book
me that I’m fully booked that day, and have been for
some time.
The most common question asked about the ceremony
is – “how long will it take”
The answer, of course, depends on what sort of
ceremony you have chosen to have, but all of the
following answers apply, regardless
- Definitely more than 5 miinutes (that’s a registry
office ceremony)
- Definitely more than 20 minutes (that’s the time
allotted at some venues, and by some celebrants)
- “How long” includes not just the words of the
ceremony, but pauses while everyone laughs and then
settles down again, time taken to sign the
certificates and register (and have photos taken
doing so), time taken for readers to come forward,
rings to be presented, walking in, and walking out
(processional and recessional – for bigger, more
formal weddings)
The most common fear expressed by marrying
parties is that they will get emotional
Don’t worry about it. Your guests will love the
moment, and love you for it
- Don’t be surprised if it is the groom who gets
emotional. Can be a stress-release after waiting for
the bride to arrive! Or with two grooms and two
brides if both get emotional!
- Have hankies at the ready
Next most common fear is that of being the
centre of attention and/or speaking in public
- A well-crafted ceremony is so inclusive that it is
not like being on stage
- There is no public speaking involved (unless you
want to) – it is repeat after me, so you could call
it public parroting! There is nothing to learn, and
at that point you are facing one another and
speaking to one another
Your ceremony sets the tone for your entire
wedding day
Which is why I ask you to do some homework. A teeny
bit of effort on your part, and a lot on mine, will
elevate your wedding from something lovely to something
extraordinary and absolutely unique.
- spend some time thinking about the ceremony
- make an effort with the questionnaires
- Think through who to involve in your ceremony and
how to involve them
You will be amazed what happens…
Late arrivals create disgruntled guests
(refer to the above, your ceremony sets the tone for
your entire wedding day).
In Queensland it is hot for most of the year, and
here are the facts about that
- Groom, groomsmen, and guests, to say nothing of
celebrant and musicians all arrive well before the
bride in a heterosexual wedding, so get to hang
around in the heat (and often full sun) for quite
some time before the bride
- The only person who is not inconvenienced (or made
downright hot and uncomfortable, sometimes to the
point of feeling sick) is the bride. Everything
starts when she arrives.
- With same-sex couples, who often arrive together,
(and increasing more common, opposite sex couples
who arrive together) it is everyone else who is
Bridezillas/Groomzillas are rare
Crazy and controlling bridesmaids/groomsmen, and
mums and aunties who “know” how a “proper” wedding
should be (think traditional, patriarchal, etc),
unfortunately, not so rare!
Choosing anything for your wedding based on price
alone, is never successful
A cheap price may not be a bargain! If that is your
first question it is pretty useless information unless
you also ask what the price includes. Basically, the
wedding industry is pretty unregulated. A good camera
does not a professional photographer make, nor does
authorisation as a celebrant guarantee legal knowledge
or ceremonial skill. Ask lots of questions and compare
like with like
to ensure value for money.