vows can be a beautiful way to express your
love and commitment to your partner.
But what if you're not comfortable with
speaking in public or with sharing such
intimate thoughts in front of an audience, or
the type of ceremony you've chosen does not
allow you to add anything to the approved
If you're a shy couple looking to make
personal promises I've got some tips for you.
These tips apply equally to those not allowed
to add personal promises to an approved
Legal Requirement
To make your marriage legal, the
requirement for a civil ceremony, where your
marriage is solemnised by a civil celebrant,
is that each of you has to make a statement as
required by the Marriage Act.
I call upon the persons
here present to witness that I, (full
name), take thee, (full name), to be my
lawful wedded
The good news is that there is a more modern
version you can use:
I ask everyone here to witness that I,
(full name), take you, (full name), to be
my lawful wedded
Beyond that, you have freedom to make any
additional promises you like. The good news if
you're shy is that you don't have to. Your
marriage will be legal with or without
additional personal promises.
If you are marrying in a registry office or
courthouse where a standard ceremony is used,
you may not be allowed to add personal vows.
If you're having a religious ceremony, you
will be required to use the approved vows for
your denomination. And you may or may not be
allowed to make personal promises.
Some tips
about making personal
promises when you are
- Keep
it short and sweet. You can still make
personal promises without going into great
detail. Try something like, I promise to
love you, support you, and be your partner
in all things.
- Read your promises. You'll be facing
your partner, not the guests, so focus on
them as you speak directly to them
- Work with your partner to write personal
promises you both agree on. That way you
won't be worried about whether your
partner will like what you are promising
- Practice, practice, practice. Rehearse
your vows with your partner ahead of time
so you feel more comfortable when the big
day arrive