Code of
Practice and Ethics
When you book with me for your wedding I will provide
you with a copy of the Code of Practice for Authorised
Celebrants. All celebrants are required by the Attorney
General to comply with this Code.
As a Humanist (my personal belief system) I make ethical
decisions based on reason, empathy, and a concern for
human beings and other sentient animals.
an Ethical Wedding Professional

s an Ethical
Wedding Professional, I am committed to providing
excellence in the services and products I deliver, as
well as conducting myself and my business in an ethical
manner, and have made a Statutory Declaration (a legal
undertaking that carries penalties for false statements)
stating that I abide by the following Code Of Ethics :
- Abide by all local and federal laws governing the
industry in which I operate in.
- Obtain and maintain current licenses and
certificates as required by law.
- Maintain adequate liability insurance.
- Operate under a current ABN or ACN.
- Operate my/our business in an honest and ethical
- Treat all clients with respect, a sense of
cooperation and with concern for their welfare.
- Personally and professionally treat peers and
suppliers with the same respect in which I/we would
wish to be treated.
- With transparency, offer full disclosure to
clients, any financial interest or payment,
extending to and including monetary payment,
exchange of service of value, referral or
recommendation of services, products or venue.
- Have no expectation or demand of payment for
referral or recommendation including commissions,
gifts or kickbacks.
- Truly and honestly represent my/our business in
all forms of marketing, advertising and social
media platforms.
- Have the best interests at heart of the client and
the wedding industry in general.
- Aim to maintain a standard of excellence in
honesty, ethics and standards within the wedding
industry and ultimately aim to improve and lift
these standards.
As a member of two large Celebrant Associations, I also
adhere to those Association's Codes of Ethics:
Association of Professional Wedding Officiants

O is a
professional membership organization dedicated to the
promotion and advancement of the wedding officiant
profession worldwide. The Association has a strong focus
on professional standards, industry outreach, and
education. As a member I adhere to the
Association's Code of Ethics which requires
members to
- Perform marriage ceremonies in accordance with all
local, state, and national laws
- Provide services to all couples, regardless
of race, sexual orientation, religion,
ethnicity, creed, color, sex, age, disability, or
country of national origin of any party
- Utilize a written, legal contract for all client
- Establish and charge a professional rate
for their services
- Accurately represent their services to clients
honestly and fairly
- Honor all commitments made to clients, venues, and
other wedding professionals
- Be on time for their weddings, and respectful of
couples and their guests
- Perform all ceremonies without being under the
influence of alcohol or drugs
- Foster an attitude of support, encouragement, and
camaraderie among fellow officiants
Australian Federation
of Civil Celebrants

As a
member of the AFCC, the largest national association of
celebrants in this country, I adhere to the
Association's Code of Ethics which requires members:
- To maintain the highest levels of business,
professional and personal standards
- To respect in all circumstances the privacy,
confidentiality and trust expected by clients and
members of the public
- To provide sufficient, timely, transparent and
accurate information about the range and extent of
services available, the costs of those services and
the functions and responsibilities accepted for and
on behalf of clients
- To respect the personal choices of clients, having
due regard to the diversity of beliefs, cultural
backgrounds and practices
- To ensure that all personal advertising is in good
taste and directed at informing the public without
indicating any conflicts of interest
- To be conversant with relevant Legislation and
Regulations directly or indirectly applicable to
celebrancy and to comply with such
- To respect the ethical expectations of other
professionals with whom I interact in my celebrancy
- To inform and provide access to relevant client
advisory services and authorities to facilitate
mediation or resolution of any disputes that may
arise and to co-operate with the resolution of any
such disputes.