Posts about Proposing and Proposals

My thoughts on proposals and proposing and doing it your way!

Intimate and Fun Ways to Propose: Making the Moment Special

Categories: |  Proposing |
Proposing to the love of your life is a significant step in your relationship, and doing it in an intimate, personal way can make the moment even more memorable. Not everyone wants a grand public spectacle, and that's perfectly okay. In fact, keeping it low key signals that you aren't taking your partner's answer for granted! Read on for some fun, intimate, and inexpensive ways to propose that focus on the personal connection between you and your partner. More ...

It's Proposal Season - or is it?

Categories:  |  Proposing  |  Wedding Traditions  |
While December through to Valentine's Day is promoted as proposal season, Australia's climate gives loved up couples many more options.  More ...

Proposal Vows: How to Make your Proposal Unforgettable

Categories:  |  Proposing  |  Vows  |  Wedding Traditions  | 
Proposing with a pretty speech is not enough. Announcing a new service - I write your Proposal Vows, inclusive of your Proposal Speech.  More ...

5 Good Reasons to Propose Before you Shop for an Engagement Ring

Categories: | Wedding Traditions | Proposing |
Proposing with a ring is a very new tradition, and like all traditions, not law. Waiting to choose the ring as a couple has lot going for it. ... More...

Proposal Do's and Don'ts

Categories: | Wedding Traditions |Proposing |
Dos and Don't of proposing learned over many years of hearing proposal stories from couples I have married... More

Waiting for a proposal? This post is for the ladies ...

Categories:  Wedding Traditions | Proposing |
Prime proposal season (Christmas-New Year) and second-most-popular-proposal-day (Valentine's Day) have been and gone. Are you still waiting for that expected proposal? The notion that the gold standard for proposals is the male proposing is not as long-standing a tradition as you might think. A growing number of women are successfully popping the question...  More