Proposal Vows: How to
Make your Proposal Unforgettable
Cram - Brisbane Marriage Celebrant ©
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So, you've
decided to propose to the love of your life. But now
you have to figure out how to do it and what to say.
The pressure is on. Do you go for the big public
spectacle, flash mob, brass band, or some OTT big
production. Or not?
Whatever you decde, at some point you'll come across
the words "proposal speech", made down on one knee,
holding out a ring box, with may some big "Marry Me"
sign as a backdrop.
But what exactly is a proposal speech, and why do I
think that a speech without promises is not enough?
What is a proposal speech?
Way back when, a proposal speech consisted of not much
more than the question, couched in formal terms.
you do me the honour of becoming my wife? No
protestations of love. No reminiscencing. Not very
romantic at all. And no ring. That came later.
As did "How did they propose?" Everyone from friends,
loved ones, and work colleagues to all your wedding
vendors, together with strangers who notice a new
ring, wants to know the details. And that needs a
story. How it was set up. What the scene looked like.
What was said.
There's a good reason for this. And it is not just
about everyone being a sticky-beak. How you propose,
and the stories told about it forever after, marks a
significant chapter in your relationship.
And so the proposal speech was born. You might call it
your verbal justification for proposing. It will
include some or all of the following:
- Why the two of you are a great match
- What attracted you in the first place
- What is special about your intended
- When and how you knew they were "the one"
- How life is better together
- What you have faced and overcome together
Followed by "Will you marry me?". Pro
Tip. It won't hurt to say Please!
But can you see what is missing?
Most people will say "The
Ask anyone about planning a proposal and they will
come up with a long "to do" list
- Decide where
- Decide on what you'll be doing - an activity of
some sort
- Decide what you're going to do afterwards
- Choose a proposal photographer (bonus, they may
have some suggestions about the where and the what
- Get anyone else who needs to be involved on
- Write your proposal speech
- Develop a backup plan
And that's just a start.
What about promises?
It still says a lot about the assumption that getting
married is the ultimate goal for women that proposal
speeches are all about the person doing the proposing.
Let's not be coy, while it is usual for the proposer
to talk about how special the proposee is, basically
it comes down to "
this is why I want you to marry
It's sort of a "all care, no responsibility" sort
of speech.
But there is a way to change that. To up the ante and
make it truly unforgettable, for all the right
Make the speech. And
also make vows, promises
you commit to,
before you pop the question.
The speech puts the question in context. Your why. But
the promises demonstrate your commitment.
What should be included
in proposal vows
Everything you would include in your Proposal
Speech, together with the same sort of things you
expect to promise in your wedding vows. Promises
of love, but also of how you will behave towards
your partner, how you will support them, treat
them, and be there for them, throughout your
marriage. The proposal speech elements put your
promises into context.
Simple. And Powerful.
And a great practice run for your wedding vows!
Need help writing your
Proposal Vows?
Talk to me. This is one of the services I offer in
vow writing
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