Is there a difference between a civil marriage
ceremony, a secular marriage ceremony, and a
humanist marriage ceremony? Yes and No.
In Australia, a legal marriage can
only be solemnised by an individual authorised
by the state, so, in that sense, all
marriages, regardless of whether they are
secular or religious, are civil marriages,
recognised and registered by the Australian
The majority of weddings in Australia (about 3
out of every 4) are officiated by civil
celebrants, who can be marriage officers in
the employ of the various state Registry
Offices, or independent marriage celebrants,
authorised by the Australian Government. The
remainder are religious marriage solemnised by
civil ceremony
Civil marriage is defined
as a
marriage solemnised as a civil contract.
In other words a civil marriage ceremony is one
that is
performed, recorded, and recognised by a
government official. In
many countries, a civil ceremony is one
that is solemnised as a civil contract,
but without a religious ceremony.
A secular ceremony
vs a humanist ceremony
Neither a secular
ceremony nor a humanist ceremony
references a deity. While civil marriage
is defined as a
marriage solemnised as a civil contract, both
a secular marriage ceremony and a humanist
marriage ceremony can be defined as a
marriage solemnised as a civil contract,
without religious ceremony.
However, a secular ceremony can, and
often does, embody many of the
characteristics of a religious ceremony. The
ceremony as performed by registry offices
and by a very large proportion of civil
celebrants can, and often does, include a
stereotypical gender role bias, including
customs from a time when a woman was legally
and socially the property of the significant
males in her life. As part of the marriage
ceremony, her father transferred ownership
to her husband. and as
soon as they were pronounced husband and
wife her rights, independence and even
identity - thus, the Mrs John Smith title
- were overtaken by her husband's right
and wishes as he became her legal guardian
in every way.
A humanist ceremony, on the other hand,
presents a view of marriage where the
marrying couple are equal. The ceremony
will exclude anything that is misogynist,
homophobic, transphobic, racist, or
disrespectful to anyone who is present,
and will ensure that there is complete
congruence between the words of the
ceremony, the symbolism of the ceremony,
symbolic actions within the ceremony, and
the choreography of the ceremony.
There is, however, a difference between
having a humanist ceremony in Australia
compared to some other parts of the world.
In Scotland, Northern Ireland, Jersey, and
some states in the US, humanist celebrants
must be accredited by the relevant
Humanist organisation, which, as a belief
organisation, is given the same legal
standing as a religious denomination. In
Australia, having a humanist ceremony
requires no such accreditation. In
those jurisdictions, accredited humanist
celebrants must conduct secular ceremonies
with no spiritual content. Legal humanist
marriage ceremonies are not yet available
in England and Wales.
A wedding ceremony to
suit all beliefs?
One of the tricky
things about choosing what sort of wedding
ceremony you will have is that, in most
families different people have different
beliefs and belief systems, and of course
every one of your nearests and dearests
would like you to have a wedding that is
in line with their personal belief
system. That's when things can get
quite awkward. While a religious wedding
is often (usually) seen as creating a
marriage in the eyes of God, and under the
auspices (and rules and regulations) of a
particular religion or religious
denomination, all legal marriages in
Australia are marriages under Australian
Commonwealth Law.
The good news is that, in Australia,
expression of personal spiritual beliefs
by the couple is legally acceptable in a
civil ceremony in Australia, as is
acknowledging, respecting and including
beliefs of others regardless of whether
the marrying couple have the same beliefs.
I impose no religious or spiritual content
and therefore, if a couple so wish it, I
encourage and facilitate such expressions,
particularly where they are made as an
indication of respect for elders and other
important family members.
So what do you need to know if you want to
include religious content in your civil
- You can be married anywhere (some
religions will marry you only consecrated
ground, usually within a consecrated
- You can include readings from religious
texts, readings from the writings of
theologians, religious thinkers, or readings
with a religious theme while still having
complete control over the content of the
- You can include blessings (both secular
and religious) and prayers
- You can include religious music
- You can even include hymns or sung psalms.
Perhaps walk down the aisle to one?
- How long your secular or blended
secular/religious ceremony runs for is up to
you because it is driven by what you wish to
include in the ceremony. A religious
ceremony follows a set liturgy so is
generally longer than a civil ceremony.
- With me, as your celebrant, not only will
you ceremony be tailored to your wishes, my
role is very much that of facilitating your
achieving of your ceremony goals.
Thanks for reading!