incredibly romantic moment when a couple first
locks eyes on their wedding day is a must-have
photo opportunity. The traditional first look
happened during the processional. Way back in
the day, a groom would stand at the altar with
his back to the aisle, so that the first time he
saw his bride was when he glanced sideways as
she took her place next to him. Occasionally in
Australia, more often in the UK, we see an
evolution of this, where the groom stands at the
altar with his back to the aisle until the bride
appears and then, at a whispered prompt from the
celebrant or clergyperson, turns to see her for
the first time.
The tradition of a couple not seeing each
other (specifically, the groom not seeing the
bride) before the ceremony is still strong,
even though there is absolutely no reason for
it any more. When marriages were
arranged for strategic and other reasons,
bride and groom were prevented from seeing one
another before the ceremony in order to guard
against the possibility of one or other
refusing to go ahead with the wedding. In
time, this became a superstition that required
the couple to spend the night before the
wedding apart, and not see one another before
the ceremony, to which was added a ban on the
groom seeing the wedding gown - all supposedly
to ensure the marriage lasts.
In our more enlightened times, when the first
look happens during the processional grooms tend
to stand looking down the aisle so they can see
the bride's entrance, and photographers do their
best to capture the magic of the expressions on
the couple's faces (often having to compete with
guests, smart phones, and Uncle Bob who steps
into the aisle at the critical moment).
But there is an alternative. A pre-ceremony
photo session - the private
First Look.
This emerging new tradition amongst modern
couples side-steps the stresses and issues
caused by the Uncle Bobs among your guests. It
is no wonder it is growing in popularity.
First look wedding photos have been topping the
wedding wish lists for a growing number of
couples over the past few years as more and more
couples choose to experience this special time
privately and more intimately.
Whether you wait to see your beloved for the
first time as you walk down the aisle, or
whether you schedule your first look before the
ceremony is entirely up to you. Just one word of
warning. Discuss it fully before making a
decision. If either of you feels awkward about
the idea, leave it alone.
When do you do
a First Look?
As the name implies, a First Look is the first
time you see one another in all your wedding
finery on your wedding day. So you should
schedule it before the ceremony. Your
photographer will guide you as to how long you
will need for photos.. But, as a rough guide,
you will need to allow time between your first
look and the ceremony start time to be able to
have any makeup touch-ups that might be
required, any formal photos that will be taken
after the first look, and travel time to the
ceremony venue - whether that involves a limo
ride or a short stroll.
Generally speaking, a first
look is set up so you see each others face
simultaneously, and when you are close together
so easy to get a photo of you both in the same
frame. When discussing whether you will or you
won't, it would be a very good idea for the two
of you to explore your expectations, so you have
a clear idea when it comes to discussing those
expectations with your photographer. Just
remember, this is not the moment for posed
wedding photos. A first look only works when it
is not posed!
- Choose where you will do it
A first look works best in a private
location, preferably close to the ceremony
location and outdoors during the daytime (so
your photographer doesn't need to use a
flash, which can be disturbing for the
- Decide whether you want it to be
completely spontaneous
Or whether you would prefer your
photographer to guide you through it on the
day. Discuss with your photographer so that
you can be sure you make the most out of
your first look
- Make sure your photographer has a
plan in place to avoid any possibility of
you accidentally seeing one another before
your scheduled first look
- Make sure other vendors are aware of
when and where the first look will be
You don't want deliveries, or staff,
photobombing your first look
- Keep your hands free to be
Don't carry anything so you can enjoy the
moment without juggling bouquets, purses, or
anything else.
- Have fun and get creative
Although the more usual way of setting up a
first look (groom facing away, bride walks
up behind him and touches him on the
shoulder) is effective, it isn't the only
way to do a first look.
- Use the lift
Capturing that moment when the lift doors
open to reveal one of you to the other is
pretty magic - and fun.
- Borrow from the Scottish tradition
of the groom greeting the bride at the car
when she arrives - first look can be
through the window (those tinted windows
are wonderful, keeping her hidden until
the window is rolled down, or when he
opens the car door. This is a great way to
do a first look for anyone with mobility
issues, or when the timeline is very
- Choose a location with meaning for
your relationship
Like the place you met, or where the
proposal happened if those are
logistically possible - it may not be as
private, but can be lots of fun if other
randoms are around.
- Use a blindfold
Or two. Blindfolds are a fun way to build
the anticipation of seeing one
- Include the car, your horse, or
something else of significance
And do your first look next to it, so
that it is in the shots.
- Mix it up and have the bride stand
with her back to the groom
With the groom sneaking up behind
- Keep something back as a surprise
Do your first look before you are
completely ready to head into the
ceremony. By that I mean, finish dressing
after the first look, so you don't reveal
your total look until the ceremony. A
gentle way to retain an element of
surprise for that moment. Of course you
want the photos to look good, so schedule
your first look for after hair and makeup
has been done, but don't be completely
turned out. You might decide to wear your
dress, but leave your veil off. Or wear
your veil, but turn up in jeans and
tee-shirt. For the guys. perhaps shirt
sleeves only. '
- Build the momentum
Although the more usual way of setting up a
first look (groom facing away, bride walks
up behind him and touches him on the
shoulder) is effective, it isn't the only
way to do a first look.
- Stay away from Social Media
Just in case someone posts a sneaky photo
that will spoil the surprise, neither of
you should look at social media once you
start getting dressed.
- Start with a first touch
That can be one of you walking up behind
the other and touching to alert to your
presence, or it can be the two of you
coming to a corner or doorway from two
opposite directions and reaching out to
join hands. If doing the tap on the
shoulder, discuss with your photographer
which shoulder to make sure that the
direction in which you turn is towards the
- Share a love letter right before your
first look
A lovely way to do this (and it makes for
great photos), is both to stand where you
are hidden from one another but visible to
the photographer (and in the one frame),
exchange letters, and read them.
- Focus on one another and ignore the
Even if your first look is guided, the
aim is to ensure it is candid and
personal. Again, this is something to
discuss with your photographer
- Share some private time after the
photos are done
Ask your photographer, and anyone else
present, to leave you completely alone for a
few moments
When people say First Look, the
assumption is that it is a moment between the
marrying couple. But photographers have been
capturing other first looks ever since wedding
photography moved out of the studio and away
from the camera on a pedestal. First looks
aren't rationed! Here are some of my
favourites first look variations, but still
adhering to the tradition of being the first
time the bride shows herself to the groom or
people close to her. Even if you've decided
against a first look as a couple, there are
plenty of nerve-settling opportunities to
capture surprise and delight before heading down
the aisle
- First look plus one (or more)
If you are marrying a man with children, it
can be sweet and psychologically beneficial
to have them stand with him for your first
look, or, if you have decided not to see one
another until you walk down the aisle, to
have a first look with his children on their
- First look with parents
Traditionally the moment when the
bride's father first saw her dressed in her
bridal finery, but it's the 21st
century, so
however it works with your family is
- First look with bridesmaids
The stuff of reality shows, but can be a
fun moment
- First look with grandparents
Sweet, sweet, sweet
- First look with your dog
I don't know why everyone who has a dog
doesn't do this. If your doggo is all
dressed up for the wedding, and will be part
of the ceremony, that's great. But many get
left at home for good reasons, so this is a
great opportunity to include the fur kid.
Look at the Groom
It is the 21st century. So
why not acknowledge that it is the groom's day
- First look with the groom's parents
- First look with the groomsmen. All
right, so maybe you all got dressed
together, but if you can swing it, it can
be great fun. Particularly if your
groomsmen are mates who aren't used to
seeing you all dressed up!
- First look with the groom's grandparents
Sweet as
- First look with your special furbabies
- First look with your children, or your
soon to be bride's children.
First Looks
It is the 21st century.
Anything goes. And these
strict-gender-divide busting alternatives
are gold!
- First look - bride with the groomsmen.
Definitely a high energy first look.
- First look - groom with the
bridesmaids. High energy and very sweet
Not quite
a first look - some alternatives
Scheduling a first look gives
your photographer a great opportunity to
capture intimate portraits of you together
that also capture both excitement and
anticipation without impacting your wedding
day timeline. But what if you're not sure
about actually seeing one another? What if you
want to save that first sight for the
walking-down-the-aisle moment?