Finding the Balance: The Role of Humour in Your Wedding Ceremony

by Jennifer Cram - Brisbane Marriage Celebrant © 07 September 2024
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Couple laughing
                        during their wedding ceremonyNotwithstanding the almost universal, though surprisingly modern, acceptance that a wedding is a magical moment that creates and celebrates the union of two people surrounded by the love and support of friends and loved ones, one of the most common assertions about wedding ceremonies today is that the celebrant must be "funny."

But what does "funny" really mean, and how does it fit into your special day?

Humour is nothing if not complex. It is also open to multiple interpretations.

Understanding "Funny"

Humour can be a delightful addition to a wedding ceremony, but it's important to recognise that "funny" can mean different things to different people. Here are a few interpretations:
  • Light-hearted and Warm: Gentle humour that brings a smile to everyone's face without overshadowing the significance of the event.
  • Clever and Witty: Intelligent, verbal humour that adds a touch of sophistication and charm.
  • Slapstick and Pantomime: Physical comedy and exaggerated actions that can turn the ceremony into a comedic performance.

The Pros and Cons of a "Funny" Celebrant

  • Relieves Tension: Weddings can be nerve-wracking, and a touch of humour can ease the tension for both the couple and the guests.
  • Personal Connection: A funny celebrant can make the ceremony feel more personal and relatable, leaving a lasting impression.
  • Memorable Experience: Guests are likely to remember a ceremony that made them laugh and feel good.


  • Risk of Offense: Not everyone shares same sense of humour, and jokes can sometimes fall flat or offend.
  • Risk of Being Culture Specific: Where guests may come from differing cultural backgrounds there is a high risk that some may find the humour incomprehensible
  • Overshadowing the Moment: Too much humour can detract from the solemnity and significance of the vows and commitments being made.
  • Unwanted Comedy: If the humour is not aligned with the couple's wishes, it can feel like an open mic night rather than a wedding ceremony.

Your Ceremony, Your Choice

The feel and vibe of your wedding ceremony should reflect your personalities and wishes. Whether you want a ceremony that has your guests rolling in the aisles with laughter or one that is solemn and dignified, or anywhere in between, it's entirely up to you.

What is never acceptable is a celebrant who imposes humour on you or treats your ceremony like a comedy show of which they are the star.

If you want some light-hearted moments in your ceremony, your celebrant should be able to script and deliver them without overstepping the mark. The key is balance and respect for the couple's wishes.

How to Ensure Your Ceremony Reflects Your Hopes and Wishes

  1. Be Clear About What You Want
    Before you start looking for your celebrant, have a clear vision of what you want your ceremony to be like. Discuss with your partner the tone, style, and level of humour you both are comfortable with.
  2. Do Your Homework
    Research potential celebrants thoroughly. Read reviews and pay attention to the details. Talk to people and ask specific questions about their experience with the celebrant. Humour spans a wide spectrum, and it's crucial to find someone whose style matches your vision. Personally, I believe that clever, verbal humour can enhance a ceremony as long as it is gentle, respectful, and used sparingly. Slapstick pantomime-type humour almost invariably elicits eye-rolls.
  3. Be Clear in Your Communication
    Clea, unambiguous communication helps avoid any unwelcome surprises on your big day. From the first enquiry to subsequent discussions, spell out what you want, what you don't want and what you expect from your celebrant. Ensure you get a binding undertaking from the celebrant that they will respect your preferences.
Done right, your wedding ceremony will be a reflection of your love and commitment. By taking the time to find the right celebrant and clearly communicating your wishes, you can create a ceremony that is everything you've dreamed of, whether it is filled with laughter, solemnity, or a perfect blend of both.

Related Information

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                      Jennifer Cram
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