Jennifer Cram, The Inclusive Celebrant:
My Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

by Jennifer Cram - Brisbane Marriage Celebrant © (09/01/2021)
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In my world all are welcome. All abilities.
                    All ages. All sizes. All genders. All orientations.
                    All cultures. All religions. And None. All couples.
                    All families. All individuals. All means All.
                    Everyone. You. Love lives in my world. Diversity is
                    embraced in my world. Inclusion is a given.I believe with my whole heart that all people are worthy and should be equally valued and treated with equal respect.

Using Jennifer Cram The Inclusive Celebrant allows me to spell out my values as succinctly as possible without hiding my identity.

What embracing diversity means to me

In common with all Commonwealth-registered marriage celebrants (with the exception of those who have chosen to be classified as Religious Marriage Celebrants, which I definitely am NOT),  I must comply with Australian Federal and State laws. Which means no unlawful discrimination and no indemnity or permission to discriminate. But that's not good enough! The letter of the law  doesn't require that each and every person, regardless of who they are, where they come from, what their culture is, or who they love, is supported and above all, appreciated.

I want every perLove Letter: "Jennifer,
                    we chose you because you default to awesome and
                    leave out the gender bias, religion,
                    over-explanation, tasteless jokes, awkward vows and
                    dreary biographical readings that I've experienced
                    in other weddings. - Tony and Leslie."son I provide services for to know that they are both respected and appreciated, which means I welcome everyone, couples and singles, with open arms and I value you for who you are.

"Jennifer, we chose you because you default to awesome and leave out the gender bias, religion, over-explanation, tasteless jokes, awkward vows and dreary biographical readings that I've experienced in other weddings. - Tony and Leslie."

To spell out the detail, for me embracing diversity means
  • I acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which I live and work, together with the many different nations who are custodians of the land and waters across the wider Brisbane region. I pay my respects to the elders, past and present, as the holders of the memories, the traditions, the culture, and the spiritual well being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across this state.
  • I welcome, support, and celebrate people
    • of all races, all religious beliefs, including no belief, from all countries of origin, regardless of your visa status
    • of all gender identities and sexual orientations
    • of all body types, sizes, appearance, and body art
    • of all ages
    • of all educational levels and backgrounds
    • whether neurotypical or neurodivergent
    • regardless of your type of relationship, individual abilities. disabilities, or state of health
  • I welcome your children, both human and fur kids
  • I respect and support your language preferences and facilitate your use of the language(s) you are most comfortable with
  • I provide a range of ceremony packages to suit all budgets

However, I may choose NOT to work with you if  ...

  • You are controlling, rude, or attempt to use bullying tactics to induce me to breach the law
  • You are dismissive of my role or my skills and experience
  • You ask me to deliver a ceremony that expresses values that are disciminatory
  • You are not committed to the process

What ensuring inclusion means for me

Inclusion means, quite simply, doing my best to make sure you feel comfortable, valued, and respected. To this end I make every effort
  • to use inclusive language
  • to use your pronouns (mine are she/her)
  • to be respectful
  • to encourage you to share your knowledge and experience with me
  • to be open about my values and to listen to your thoughts and opinions with an open mind
  • to be honest and ask for your input when I am unfamiliar with aspects of your culture, beliefs, or lived experience
  • to call out bullying and hate speech whenever and however I come across it
  • to ensure that my website, my socials, my office, and the ceremony spaces in which I work are safe spaces for all
  • to ensure that couples are not excluded from my services on grounds of affordability

Spelling it out

Regardless of your nationality, race, gender, religious beliefs of lack of them, or of your visa status, I will joyfully officiate both legal and non-legal ceremonies for
  • same-sex couples
  • interracial couples
  • intercultural couples
  • non-binary couples
  • transgender persons
  • intersex persons
  • divorced persons
  • May-December couples
  • interfaith couples (yes, in a civil ceremony in Australia you are allowed to express your own personal spiritual or religious beliefs and I will facilitate that if you wish)
  • couples with limited resources

The question of Vaccination Status

Valuing people equally does not allow me to preference the wishes of any one person over the safety of another. Therefore I comply with any Health Directives regarding Vaccinations when and if they apply.

Related Information

Thanks for reading!
Jenny xxx Let's talk
                        soon about how you can have the best ceremony
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