Why it is Lawful Wedded,
not Lawfully Wedded
Cram - Brisbane Marriage Celebrant ©
Categories: | Vows |

Do you want to
know the secret behind the legal lingo of "
wedded" as part of your legal marriage vows? And
why I might have to correct you if you say it don't
say it exactly as the Marriage Act requires? Get ready
to put those grammar skills to the test, because it
turns out the difference between "lawful wedded" and
"lawfully wedded" is more than just a matter of
While the two phrases may seem interchangeable, they
actually carry vastly different legal meanings. The
key lies in the one word you're allowed to drop when
you say the legal vows - either "
lawful" or "
You can take your partner as your "
lawful spouse"
or your "
wedded spouse", but simply taking them
as your "
spouse" won't cut it.
NB: I'm going to use spouse as a gender-neutral
term in the rest of this post, but the choice of
term you use in your real life vows is up to you.
Husband. Wife. Partner-in-Marriage. Or Spouse. The
choice is yours.
So, what's the difference between
lawful wedded (the
words laid down in the Marriage Act) and
wedded? And why does it matter so much?
Lawful is an adjective
Lawful is an adjective. As we were taught at
school, an adjective names an attribute of a noun.
In your legal vows, the noun is the word that
represents the person you are marrying, the person you
are taking to be your spouse. Nouns label things
(which can include people).
And because lawful means legal,
what we are talking about here is your
legal spouse. When someone describes
your partner as your “lawful wedded
spouse", the message is very clear that
your partner is your legal or legitimate
spouse because you were united by a
legal marriage, one that is ongoing and
recognised in law world wide. Lawful
modifies the whole term wedded
spouse. Which means the opposite
would be
or even fiance. In other words, not
married to one another.
Lawfully is an adverb
On the other hand,
lawfully is an adverb. It
modifies a verb, an action. In the case of getting
lawfully means that the whole getting
married bit was done in accordance with the law.
It's about the wedding, not the ongoing legal
When someone describes your partner as your “lawfully
wedded spouse,” they mean that your marriage was
legally officiated. They are talking about something
that happened in the past. Both ceremony and paperwork
done correctly. Done, dusted.
When we go back to those dreary grammar lessons,
lawfully modifies only the word
as a past-tense verb rather than the whole term
spouse. And, shock, horror, the opposite of
wedded would be "married" in a ceremony
that was illegal, fraudulent, or downright dodgy. So
had the whole wedding, got "married", but wasn't
legal, so didn't change your status! And definitely
not recognised anywhere.
Huge difference.
[1] As colonies of Britain, the
various Australian states inherited the English system
of law, so, not surprisingly, the contractual
statement required in civil marriages in England,
Wales, and Northern Ireland also uses the term
wedded. Scotland, having a different system of
law, mandates no particular wording for marriage vows.