The first step to
getting married legally in Australia (besides
finding that special person and getting a YES) is
giving the required formal notice of your intended
It requires three things - the
official form,
qualified witnesses to witness your signatures,
and your chosen celebrant to give it to.
All very straightforward. But it is what happens
after you give it to your celebrant can seem
confusing. And it all comes down to one little word:
What does lodging your
NOIM involve?
All it means is give it to your celebrant, who
then writes on it the date on which they received
it, and hey presto, it is lodged.
Unlike other countries, in Australia your
celebrant is your first port of call. You don't
need a marriage licence,
so you don't need permission to marry from any
government authority. In fact, nobody other than
your celebrant needs to know your intention. So
your your celebrant does not need to notify anyone
else that you are getting married.
What happens to your NOIM
before your wedding?
It stays with your celebrant.
Your celebrant
- notes the details of the documents you have
shown them (See page 4).
- keeps your NOIM securely stored until after
your marriage ceremony is over.
What happens to your NOIM
after your wedding?
Your celebrant fills in the details of when and
where on page 5, signs it, and sends it to Births,
Deaths and Marriages in the state or territory where
you married. So your NOIM is part of the process of
documenting your marriage.
After Births, Deaths, and Marriages has registered
your marriage, they forward your NOIM to the
Australian Bureau of Statistics which accumulates
data so they can report on marriages in Australia
every year.
What if your change your
celebrant before the wedding
Easy peasy. Your celebrant will, on your
request, forward your NOIM to your new celebrant.
The clock doesn't reset. The date lodged remains the
Thanks for reading!