Books Written by Jennifer Cram

I am passionate about inclusion and committed to making the wisdom, knowledge and creativity I have grown over my career as a successful inclusive marriage celebrant to couples and to celebrants via my books on various aspects of weddings, rituals, and other ceremonies

PRINT BOOKS (available from Amazon)

                        Story. Cover of the book by Jennifer Cram,
                        Marriage Celebrant. Two silver wedding rings on
                        blue ribbonMemories of Your Wedding Day: A Guide to Creating a Detailed Record of Your Wedding  $15

ISBN: 978-0-6456345-5-6 (ebook)

PDF Book delivered by email  

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(Insane introductory price. Value $25.00 as a published book. Priceless as your guide to what you need as source material for an epic celebration of your milestone anniversaries in the future)

I wrote this easy-to-follow guide to recording details and memories to help you be confident that when the time comes to celebrate a significant anniversary or to renew your vows. All the information and resources you will need will be at your fingertips, not just for the ceremony, but also for the celebrations.

CONTENTS: The Benefits of doing this - Why you should do this - How you should do this - Paper vs Digital Records - Be practical - Getting started - The Basics - The Basics fleshed out - The Proposal(s) - This happened - Guest perspectives - Brag a bit (It's fine) - Reuse your good words - Your wedding videos- The Importance of photographs for the ongoing record.

                  of Write your Way to Happily Ever After: The Ultimate
                  Guide to Writing Vows by Jennifer Cram Brisbane
                  Marriage Celebrant

Write Your Way to Happily Ever After:
The Ultimate Guide to Writing Vows

PDF Book and accompanying workbook delivered by email.
To purchase

Writing personal vows can seem like a daunting challenge. But with the helpful and techniques and insights shared in this guide,  you will nail it, even if you are not a confident writer.
Cover of the
                  workbook that accompanies Write your Way to Happily
                  Ever After: The Easy As Guide to Writing Vows by
                  Jennifer Cram
If you want your vows to be realistic, authentic, and personal. If you want to avoid generic platitudes. If you want to write your own vows but don't know where to start, this book will be a lifesaver. Use the method clearly described, together with the helpful prompts, and writing your vows will be an enjoyable exercise in focusing on what makes your relationship unique.

CONTENTS INCLUDE: Facts about vows that may surprise you - 12 common vow writing mistakes - - Legal Vows: the law and your marriage ceremony - The traditional vows - Your personal vows - Mutual Vows - Q & A Vows - Surprise Vows - Ninja Vows - Vows that include Children - The two-step formula for writing vows - The five-step formula for writing vows.

 Cover of The Sand
                    Ceremony: A Modern Approach, by Jennifer Cram,
                    Authorised Marriage Celebrant. Photograph of a
                    couple, dressed in white, pouring white sand into a
                    container. Only their hands and lower arms are
                    visible.The Sand Ceremony: A Modern Approach $35

To purchase
PDF Book and accompanying workbook delivered by email.

This guidebook offers a fresh and contemporary take on the traditional sand ceremony. The step-by-step instructions and creative ideas will step you through making the unity ritual an unforgettable celebration of love.
Cover of
                    the Workbook accompanying the book The Sand
                    Ceremony: A Modern Approach
This book is presented as an opportunity to be inspired by the wide range of example narrative components to borrow or adapt. PDF Book. Delivered by email. I was prompted to write it by comments I'd seen on celebrant forums that expressed the belief that the sand ceremony is a tired old ritual past its use-by date. A fair summary when it is performed as a statement of the bleeding obvious - that is, two people got married, But this ignores the many rich possibilities the sand ceremony presents. Taking a modern approach to the ritual broadens its reach in terms of inclusiveness, reflects current environmental sensitivities, and provides a multiplicity of options for personalisation.

CONTENTS: What is the Sand Ceremony? - History of the Sand Ceremony - The Primary Decision - Choosing and Using Sand and Containers - Sand Ceremony Colours - Visually Appealing Substitutes for Sand - Your Vows and the Sand Ceremony - Unity Sand Rituals - The Traditional-Style Sand Ceremony - The Spiritual Sand Ceremony - Christian Sand Ceremony - The Humanist Sand Ceremony - Wishing/Blessing Sand Ceremony - Sand Ceremony in a Naming - The Symbolism of Sand - Scientific and Other Facts about Sand - Environmental Considerations - Example Narrative Components - After the Ceremony - Sharing your Sand Ceremony

Ceremony Script Inclusive Naming Ceremony
                      Cover of the book by Jennifer Cram, Celebrant the
                      book cover Happy baby lying on a white blanketCeremony Script: Inclusive Naming Ceremony $35

To purchase
This is the book you need to inspire you and to step you through the various parts of a naming ceremony if you wish to create and conduct a naming ceremony for your own child or you've been asked to conduct a naming ceremony for a friend's child but you aren't a seasoned celebrant.
Also a useful resource for a beginning celebrant or for a celebrant looking for a fresh approach and a new perspective

No need to stress, or to spend countless hours searching the internet trying to find the perfect script.  PDF format - Delivered to you via email - A Flexible script that inspires and aids you to build it into a unique, bespoke ceremony - Many options - Targeted guide to the different parts of the ceremony - Accumulated insight, wisdom, and experience of a naming top celebrant with experience of over 300 naming ceremonies.

CONTENTS INCLUDE: Who can hold a Naming Ceremony - Who should Write and Who should Lead the Ceremony - Your Role - Keep in Mind - Inclusive Language - Accommodating Differences of Belief and Practice - The Role of Godparents - Involving Older Siblings
Ceremony Structure: Ceremony Structure - Readings - Rituals - Formatting the Promises
The Script
: Welcome - Acknowledgement of Country - Statement of Purpose - Introduction - The Child's Story - Hopes, Wishes, Aspirations - Honouring of Grandparents - Grandparent Promises - Parent Promises - Appointment of Godparents - Godparent Promises - The Naming of the Child - Reason for the Choice of Names - Closing Wishes and Blessings - Certificates

Ceremony Script
                    - Inclusive Wedding. Cover of the book by Jennifer
                    Cram, Marriage Celebrant. Two silver wedding rings
                    on latte coloured ribbonCeremony Script: Inclusive Wedding $35

To purchase
Ditch outdated traditions and heteronormative assumptions with Ceremony Script: Inclusive Wedding. This book is the result of 18 years of experience and creating over 1300 inclusive wedding ceremonies. Perfect for beginning celebrants, anyone looking for a fresh approach, or when you've been asked to conduct your friend's wedding but you aren't a seasoned celebrant. 


No need to stress, or to spend countless hours searching the internet trying to find the perfect script. Not only will using this script take all that stress away, your friends will NEVER guess your secret because you build a bespoke ceremony inspired and aided by this script. PDF format - Delivered to you via email - Targeted guide to the different parts of the ceremony - Accumulated insight, wisdom, and experience of a top celebrant.

CONTENTS: Your Role - Keep it Legal - Keep in Mind - Inclusive Language - Ceremony Structure - Acknowledgement of Country - Welcome and Introduction - Family Acknowledgement - Their Story - Declaration of Intention - Vows - Exchange of Rings - Wishes and Blessings - Pronouncement - The Kiss - Ending the Ceremony

Their Story.
                        Cover of the book by Jennifer Cram, Marriage
                        Celebrant. Two silver wedding rings on blue
                        ribbonTheir Story: A Guide for Celebrants $15

To purchase

A guide to creating and delivering couple stories that will blow their minds! Also a useful resource for a beginning celebrant or for a celebrant looking for a fresh approach.
PDF format delivered to you by email.
This compact guide addresses everything you never knew about making your retellimg of your couple's relationship story a fresh and engaging experience

CONTENTS: Their Story Your Role - Create Your Story-Writing Mindset - Develop Targeted Questions - Example Questions - Third Party Insights - Putting it Together - Learn from Eulogies.

                          Script: Inclusive Wedding book coverBUNDLE DEALTheir
                              Story: A guide for celebrants Book Cover ONE $40 Ceremony Script: Inclusive Wedding + Their Story: A Guide for Celebrants
To purchase


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Fantastic Wedding Finales
A Definitive Guide to Releases, Tosses, Jumping the Broom, and Other Creative Grand Finales for your Wedding or Commitment Ceremony

(Romantic Wedding Rituals)
  More about this book ... and to purchase a copy

The Book Authority has nominated this book as one of the 100 Best Wedding Ceremony Books of All Time and says this about it:
"This book will answer every question you might have about your wedding or commitment ceremony recessional, will get your imagination fired up with numerous practical ideas about how to deviate from tradition in ways that will entrance your guests and add a unique twist to your ceremony finale.
Drawing on her extensive experience of creating and performing unique wedding ceremonies for more than 500 couples the author guides you through a wide range of ways to end and exit your wedding reception on a high note, offering numerous practical tips and suggestions including: • Involving your guests in creative ways they'll love • Everything you need to know about releases (balloons, doves, etc) • Recessional music • Creative and unusual tosses • Bells, fireworks, jumping the broom ... and so much more. "


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The Wedding Etiquette Guide for Social Media Savvy Couples
(Something Different Wedding Guides)
A comprehensive guide to unplugged weddings, including how to go semi-unplugged.
More about this book ... and to purchase a copy
Pet-Friendly Weddings by
                      Jennifer Cram
Pet-Friendly Weddings: A guide to adding joy and fun to your big day
(Something Different   Wedding Guides)
Including your pets in your wedding is a fun way to be inclusive of your whole family, four-legged and two-legged. Hints and tips about how to keep your furkids safe and happy, plus much more than just having them present the rings or walk down the aisle.
More about this book ... and to purchase a copy
Pregnant Brides Guide to a
                      Stress-Free Wedding by Jennifer Cram
The Pregnant Bride's Guide to a Stress-Free Wedding
(Something Different  Wedding Guides)
If you're just discovered you will be pregnant on your wedding day, there is no need to stress. Using the experience of marrying many pregnant brides, I cover all the issues, including how to choose a dress that will fit on the day.
More about this book ... and to purchase a copy
The Chinese Bride's Guide to
                      Marrying in Australia
The Chinese Bride's Guide to Marrying in Australia
(Something Different  Wedding Guides)
Many of my brides are Chinese girls, marrying an Australian. In this book I help you navigate Australian wedding culture without sacrificing the wonderful Chinese approach to weddings
Perfect Wedding
                      Processionals by Jennifer Cram
Perfect Wedding Processionals
A Definitive Guide to Making a Grand Entrance for your Wedding or Commitment Ceremony
What was intended to be a 10 page little guide for my own couples quickly morphed into this extensive information source. Hint: there are multiple ways to personalise your grand entrance.
(Romantic Wedding Rituals)
More about this book ... and to purchase a copy
How to Write Vows that WOW by Jennifer Cram
How to Write Vows that WOW!
(Romantic Wedding Rituals)
More about this book ... and to purchase a copy

Ranked by in the top 100 Wedding Ceremonies books.
Amazon Customer Review: "Great book with lots of legals explained for the celebrant and many tips for the bride and groom. A very good price also."
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The Gay Groom's Guide to Writing Your Vows
(Romantic Wedding Rituals)
Click To View
The Lesbian Bride's Guide to Writing Your Vows
(Romantic Wedding Rituals) 
Unity Candle & Sand Ceremony by Jennifer
Unity Candle & Sand Ceremony
A Definitive Guide to the Creative Use of Candle and Sand Rituals in Wedding and Commitment Ceremonies
(Romantic Wedding Rituals)
More about this book ... and to purchase a copy

Ranked by in the top 100 Wedding Ceremonies books.

Amazon Customer Review "I had done the Sand Ceremony before, however, using your book I was able to present to the couple I married some very important and viable options. I have pastored in two different denominations and presently I'm a full time Pastoral Counselor and Educator so having great resources that show a full spectrum of what is being presented as "sand pour" was is always an asset."

55 Loving Ways to Remember by Jennifer Cram
55 Loving Ways to Remember
A Definitive Guide to Including Those Who Have Passed in Your Wedding Ceremony and Celebration
One word of advice. How recent the death is makes a huge difference in what you, and your guests will be comfortable with. So in this book, which is basically 55 categories if ways to honour and commemorate loved ones (so hundreds of individual ways) I provide ideas for how to do this overtly or quietly.
(Romantic Wedding Rituals)
More about this book ... and to purchase a copy