I love that the way you make your
grand entrance sets the tone for the whole
ceremony. And I particularly love how accepting
guests at weddings have become to couples doing
their own thing, making their own decisions, about
how that grand entrance and processional will be
structured. No-one bats an eye if you choose to do
something other than walk down the aisle on the
arm of your father. And most people no longer
assume that, if you do walk down the aisle on your
father's arm, the ceremony that follows will
be ultra-traditional and totally predictable.
Being escorted down the aisle by your father is a
long-established tradition, the meaning of which
has, thankfully, changed over the years, so it is
now a lovely way to honour your relationship with
your father, rather than a symbolic transfer from
his care and control to your husband's care and
We can thank social change in the status of
women, together with the development by same
sex couples of new traditions that reflect the
equality in their relationship, for that.
Choose who you want to
escort you down the aisle
It's your big day, so you get to choose to walk
down the aisle in any way you wish, with anyone
you wish.
- Your father
- Your father and mother
You can walk down the aisle with both of
them. Or walk with your father and have your
mother meet you at the top of the aisle to put
your veil back.
- Your father and stepfather
- A male relative standing in for your
father - grandfather, stepfather, uncle,
brother, son
- Your mother
- A female relative standing in for your
mother - grandmother, stepmother, aunt,
sister, daughter
- Your new father-in-law
Choosing your new father-in-law to walk you
down the aisle is a lovely way to celebrate
everything he means to your soon-to-be spouse,
and to signal your commitment to being part of
the family
- A family friend
- Your children
- The one you are marrying
- Your dog
- No-one
Don't forget to share a special moment with the
person who is walking you down the aisle. When
you reach the top of the aisle, take a moment to
give them a hug or a kiss (or both) and whisper
thank you.
You could even skip walking down the aisle (but
that's a discussion for another time).
Which side?
If your Dad or someone else is going to walk you
down the aisle put your palm on the inside of his
forearm and fold your fingers over the top/front
to show off your fingernails.. Which arm is up to
you. Here are some things to consider about that:
- In traditional Christian weddings a bride
walks on her father’s left side (this is to
leave his sword arm free to draw his sword and
defend her if necessary – something I’ve never
had to do in hundreds and hundreds of
wedding). However, it does leave his right
hand free to shake the groom’s hand.
- In Jewish weddings the bride walks on her
father’s right side or down the aisle between
her parents, with her father on the left
- Kate Middleton walked down the aisle on her
father's right arm for her marriage to Prince
William in Westminster Abbey – but there was
no handshaking and he stood on her left side
for the early part of the ceremony, something
we don’t do in civil ceremonies.
If you and your soon-to-be spouse are walking
down the aisle together, hand-in-hand works
better and looks more natural. When being
escorted by your mother, or by another female
relative, hand-in-hand is also an option.
Choose who you want to
accompany you down the aisle
Specifically, who is part of your wedding party,
and in what order will they make their entrance.
There are no rules. But there are two broad
choices ...
- Wedding party enters first (American
tradition that has become virtually the norm
in Australia), or
- Wedding party follows you in (English
Who makes up your wedding party, in what order
they walk down the aisle, and whether they walk
down the aisle before or after you (or both) is
your choice.
Most advice you'll read on the internet and in
the bridal press will tell you that the order
should be
- Flower girl(s) are first - scattering petals
- Ring bearer
- Bridesmaids/Brides Guys
- Maid/Matron of Honour
- Bride and her father
But there are practical reasons why you might
want to mix it up a bit. I often suggest that
the flower girl(s) should walk in after the
bridesmaids and immediately before the bride.
This means the petals are fresh for the bride to
walk on. And, with the bridesmaids all in place,
flower girls feel more confident because they
have someone to head for and no confusion about
where they need to stand.
If the terrain is difficult, and your dress has
a long train, you might wish to have someone -
pageboy, or Maid/Matron of Honour, for example -
walk behind you to hold and manage your train.
NB. In the 21st century, your wedding party
is no longer required, or expected, to be
gender specific. Choose your favourite people,
and give them titles that suit.
Don't stress about
children behaving perfectly
Focus on the cuteness factor! And accept that
perfect behaviour is not guaranteed. Children can
be unpredictable. So anything can happen. Whatever
your flower girls, page boys, or ring bearers do,
go with the flow. Have them walk together, or with
an adult (bridesmaid, for example), but if one or
more only makes it halfway and then gets
distracted or heads for the hills, everyone will
laugh and the photos will be keepers to trot out
at their weddings
Your Moment, Your Music
Gone are the days when the only music choice for
your grand entrance was
Here Comes the
Bride. And while Pachelbel's
in D has almost taken poll position as the
new processional staple, if it doesn't rock
your boat, don't use it. And that goes for other
classical staples as well.
The only "rule" is that you choose music that
means something to you. So, by all means choose a
classical piece if your wish, or something else,
for example
- "your" song
- a song that means something to you
- music that reflects your cultural heritage
- a piece that you like
And don't forget that
- There is always the option of a medley
Medleys are not hard to create with modern
devices, you can mix and match, or choose
wildly differing styles of music. One mix I
rather like consists of three pieces. One you
choose for your wedding party to walk down the
aisle to, one you choose for you to walk down
the aisle to, with a few bars of something
very recognisable between the two to signal
that you are about to make your entrance. This
is one place where a few bars of Here
Comes the Bride works very well. As does
a few bars of All You Need is Love.
- It is OK to choose one piece only - and
everyone walks in to it.
- The music you choose doesn't have to be
Nor does it have to be soft and slow. Really
up-beat marches played on brass instruments,
or a bagpipe, make for a very stirring
entrance. I've had brides enter to the Grand
March from the Opera, Aida (minus the
elephants, of course), to
- You can choose religious music for your
civil ceremony
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach),
The 23rd Psalm (commonly referred to as
The Lord is my Shepherd, there are
many musical settings to this psalm but the
tune, Crimond is the one everyone
recognises), Amazing Grace, Ave
Maria (Schubert) Gounad version) are
choices some of my couples have made.
- If you choose a song, it is fine to use
an instrumental version
- It is also fine to choose any vocal
version that appeals to you.
- It is a really good idea to carefully
listen to all the lyrics.
Break-up songs, or songs that are about death,
revenge, or hate are best avoided.
- To avoid any awkwardness caused by
running out of music before everyone is in
place, or having everyone stand in place
while the music plays on and on, match
the length of your music with the length of
the aisle and how long it takes for everyone
to walk down it.
One way to fit a long piece to a short aisle
is to allow the music to play for a bit before
you start walking, and to word your music
person up to fade out once everyone is in
place. And don't forget to leave a nice gap
between the bridesmaids as they walk down the
aisle to give your photographer a good chance
of getting a nice shot of each of them.
Miscellaneous Hints and
- Hold your bouquet in the middle of the
Put your hand on your belly button, relax your
shoulders and just slightly angle your elbow
out so there is a little light between your
waist and the inside of your elbow (to show
off your waist). You will feel comfortable,
look confident, and the photographs will be
- Be aware of the aisle itself and take it
into account when your dress is being
A carpet or aisle runner on grass will sink
and undulate as you walk, making a dress that
is the perfect length when you’re standing on
a hard surface feel as if it is too long.
- If walking up or down stairs lift up your
skirt on at least one side
You can hold your bouquet in the hand
tucked through your Dad’s arm, or, hand it to
him, take his arm, lift your skirt and when
you get to the top/bottom of the stairs take
your bouquet back.
- ‘Eyes and Teeth’
In the theatre ‘eyes and teeth’ is shorthand
for looking at the audience and smiling. Don’t
forget to look at your soon-to-to-be spouse
and smile. But also, look at the person
walking you down the aisle and at the guests.
Smiles all round are the order of the day.
Your guests will respond and you’ll feel their
support all the way, and you’ll see your
best-beloved's greeting smile getting broader
and broader the closer you get
- Don't look at the camera
For the most natural photos interact with the
people around you, not the lens.
- Tell your videographer not to walk down
with you
Having a videographer (or Uncle Bob with his
iPad), back down the aisle in front of you is
not going to enhance the experience. Most
professional videographers won't do this, but
some will. Best to make sure.
Forget the silly walk
You’ve been walking normally all your life. Yet
there is still a belief out there in wedding land
that there is a
(silly) walk for the aisle. Forget it.
Stroll, even saunter, but do not do the hesitation
step (aka stagger step) where you take a step and
then bring your feet together before you take
another step. Looks silly, is very difficult to do
in high heels, and is almost guaranteed to make
you wobble and even overbalance. And seriously,
consider lower heeled shoes you can walk in
comfortably (and save the killer heels for photos
and the reception).
If you feel like dancing
Do. And ditto for stopping to hug guests,
exchanging a few words or a hi-five, blowing
kisses, or just being your usual self.
The moment before
Those last couple of minutes before the music
begins are crucial. That's when you all line up
in order, out of sight of the guests, do any
last minute checks of hair and outfits, make
sure everyone has their bouquet/boutonniere,
remind everyone holding a bouquet to put their
hand on their belly button so the flowers aren't
waved around. And then relax and take a big
Don't rush it
However you choose to make your grand entrance,
don't rush. This is your big reveal moment, the
first time your guests, and your best beloved will
see you in your wedding gown. If you are going to
walk in last (after your bridesmaids/wedding
party) wait until they are all in place then move
to the spot where everyone will see you for the
first time and pause. Take a few seconds to take a
big breath, smile, make eye contact with your best
beloved, and only then take your first step down
the aisle.
For even more inspiration -
Wedding Processionals
Thanks for reading!