| Inclusive Weddings | Wedding
Ceremony |

grandmothers, also referred to as flower grannies,
flower grandmas, and flower nanas, are a recent
departure from wedding ceremony "tradition", a
rethinking of the role that never fails to make us
ooh, ahh, and smile. All it took was for one couple
to think outside the box and come up with something
that now seems to be almost obvious, even though
no-one had done it before.
But asking your grandmothers to be your flower girls
is only one of many ways to include
all four grandmothers
in your ceremony. As in my posts about including
both mothers
fathers in your ceremony, some of these ideas
have been inspired by same sex weddings, where
things tend to be different, as couples side-step
traditional wedding planning advice and create their
own traditions.
While I have largely referred to
bride and groom
in the following,
all of these suggestions work
for two brides or two grooms.
First look
First Look is a
very popular photo-op. Before the ceremony, in
private, the groom gets to see the bride and the
moment is captured by the photographer. It is a
wonderful way to calm wedding day nerves. Going one
step further and having a first look with your
parents and your nanas, is pretty special too. To be
inclusive, after the two of you have had your first
look moment, bring your groom's parents and
grandparents into it. This might break with
tradition, but gives both sets of parents and
grandparents a chance to see both of you before the
ceremony starts, and the bride's parents and
grandparents a chance to see the groom, and share a
few words, before other guests see him.
Grandmothers as members of
the wedding party
The photographs and videos we are seeing suggest
that it is exclusively the bride's grandmothers who
are taking an active role as part of the bride's
half of the bridal party, either as flower nanas, or
as bridesmaids. With mixed wedding parties becoming
more common, and couples choosing people who mean a
lot to them, regardless of gender, we are seeing
fewer instances of the groom's sisters or the
bride's brothers being included as courtesy members
of wedding parties strictly divided on gender lines.
So including the groom's nanas in his half of the
wedding party becomes a no-brainer.
- Flower nanas
You can always rely on your nana to do an
accomplished and professional scattering of
petals. Send them down the aisle first and feel
the level of excitement and anticipation go off
the charts, because, as well as delighting and
entertaining, it sends a powerful message that
your wedding is not going to be predictable or
- Nanas as bridesmaids or groomswomen
will always have your back. If you have a mixed
age wedding party, the answer to coordinating
outfits is to go with same fabric, individual
- Nanas as ring bearers
While the tradition has long been a little
girl to scatter flowers plus a little boy to
carry the rings, there is no rule that one ring
bearer carries both rings. You can have as many
flower girls and ring bearers as you wish, in
any combination. Bonus is that you can trust
your nanas with the real rings!
The processional
In many cultures the bride and the groom are
separately escorted to their wedding by their
extended family, a custom that can be easily
adapted for a formal processional, even if your
nanas are not going to be taking an active role as
flower nana, bridesmaid/groomswoman, or ring
How you would structure the processional is a
matter of personal choice, but a general principle
would be to have those closest to you walk closest
to you - as in the traditional processional where
the father of the bride escorts her and her maid
of honour walks either immediately before or after
Alternatively, you could, in a gesture of support
and solidarity, have the bride escorted by both
her father and the groom's father, and accompanied
by all four grandfathers, and the groom escorted
by his mother and the bride's mother, and
accompanied by all four grandmothers.
Grandmothers as
While the number of legal witnesses is strictly
limited to two (one each) there is no 18sunset
clause on age. As long as your nanas are at least
18 they qualify!
Warming of the rings
A heart-warming ritual is the warming of the
rings, where guests or selected people are invited
to hold the rings and make a (silent) wish for the
happiness of the couple. Asking selected members
of your family to do this allows those wishes to
be spoken aloud, if you wish.
Presentation of the
Invite your nanas to present your rings to you. It
can be done in more than one way, each of which
has its own inclusive feel because, when the rings
are presented each of you will be receiving the
ring you will place on your beloved's hand
- Your own nana presents to you the ring that
you will place on your beloved's hand
- Your soon-to-be nana-in-law presents to you
the ring that you will place on her
grandchild's hand.
Including nanas in a
In addition to Warming of the Rings, there are a
number of rituals (sub-ceremonies) that are a
perfect way to include grandmothers
- Rose
One version of the Rose Ceremony involves
presenting roses to both mothers as an
expression of gratitude. Expand that to
include your grandmothers.
- Handfasting
Nanas can be included in a handfasting ritual
in a number of ways - from presenting the
cord/ribbons, to being involved in the actual
- Sand Ceremony
There are numerous ways the grandmothers (and
other members of the two families) can be
included in a sand ceremony
Giving your grandmas an
active role in the ceremony
In a civil ceremony, there is no requirement for
the celebrant to do all the talking! You can
involve your nanas by giving them active speaking
- Deliver a reading
Work with your nana to choose a reading
that reflects her personality and the role she
has played in your life. It doesn't have to be
a poem! Or choose something that can be
delivered as a duet.
- Ask those "I do" questions
Even better is you leave the wording to
- Lead you through your vows
As long as you say the required legal
words, there is no requirement that you repeat
them after your celebrant. Having your nana
feed you the lines can be a special experience
that will make for wonderfully emotional
- Deliver a blessing for your marriage
Blessings by family elders have been part
of human relationships since the dawn of time.
Such a blessing can be entirely secular, or
can reference a deity. Including a religious
blessing in an otherwise secular ceremony is a
loving way to acknowledge your nana's beliefs.
Ask your nana to gift
you her skills
Instead of buying everything you need for your
ceremony tap into your nana's skills. For most of
the 20th century, for example, nanas would use
sewing, embroidery, knitting and crocheting skills
to provide items for the wedding. It was common to
gift the bride a linen handkerchief with a
lovingly crocheted edging. Is your nana an
embroiderer? Ask her to make you a bag for your
rings, embroidered with grub roses. If she's a
knitter, she might like to knit your ring bag.
I've seen that beautifully done by a grandma well
known for keeping all her grandchildren supplied
with a knitted sweaters regardless of how fast
they grew. Or ask her to make you an embroidered
or crochet ring cushion.
Pro Tip: A ring cushion does not have to
be small or square. I've seen a ring cushion made
from a traditional cross-stitch wedding sampler.
And, beautifully executed by a grandmother whose
hobby was Jacobean style crewel work, a large
square cushion. After the wedding either could be
used as a cushion in the home, or, backing
removed, framed.
When your nana has
Unless it is advanced, having dementia would not
necessarily preclude your nana from attending your
wedding and participating in it if she can do so
safely. It does, however, take careful planning,
which may include
- Appointing someone to be your nana's
ceremony buddy, someone whose only role is be
with her, to guide her, to explain what is
happening, and to keep her calm and
- Choosing a role for her that is within her
capabilities. It might be something as simple
as holding your bouquet for you. Pro Tip:
With someone to shepherd her, in my
experience presentation of the rings is well
within the capability of a grandparent with
dementia. Nothing to remember ahead of time.
It matters not a jot that your nana might not
remember her participation. You will have given
her a moment of joy, a moment captured in photos
that you can share with her again and again,
each time giving her another moment of joy.
When your grandmother
has passed away
Getting married without your grandmother present
is always bitter-sweet. You can honour her in
numerous ways
- Carry, wear, or use something of hers in the
ceremony, for example, a tablecloth on the
signing table.
- Have your celebrant say a few words
- Light a memorial candle, incense, or lay a
flower in front of her photo at the beginning
of the ceremony.
- Leave an empty chair and lay a flower on it
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