Saying 'I Do' Without
Overdoing It: Introvert's Guide to Planning a
Joyful Big Wedding
Cram - Brisbane Marriage Celebrant ©
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Planning|

When you're an
introvert is it even possible to make your special day
memorable for all the right reasons and comfortable
for both you and any guests who are also introverts?
Absolutely, it is. But the usual advice to introverts
is to skip the wedding and go for an intimate
elopement, or even a legals-only ceremony, where you
do what you need to to be legally married, and nothing
Why is that? It all comes down to the way all
introverts are stereotyped as shy, retiring, hermits
who lack any extrovert qualities! And a lack of
understanding of the core difference between
introverts and extraverts.
Extroverts and Introverts
If you understand your phone battery, you'll get the
picture about Extroverts and Introverts!
The extrovert is like a solar-powered charger, gaining
energy from the sun (i.e. other people) to keep their
battery full. At a party, the extrovert is the
one in the middle of it all, dancing like nobody's
watching and chatting up everyone in sight. They
thrive in social situations and gain energy from being
around others.
The introvert, on the other hand, is like a regular
charger, needing to plug in and recharge in solitude.
At a party, the introvert is the one hiding in the
corner, sipping their drink and observing the chaos
around them. They tend to feel drained after
socializing and need alone time to recharge their
Or so the popular stereotype goes. What the steretype
misses is
- Whether your personality type is extrovert or
introvert is about how your energy is depleted or
boosted, not so much about how you behave in
social situations
- It is not an either/or. All of us have both
characteristics, it's the mix, where we fit on the
continuum, that defines which personality type is
our dominant one.
- There are different types of Introverts
There is no right or wrong way to be - we're all just
trying to navigate this crazy thing called life.
Which type of Introvert are
For some years psychologists have been challenging the
one-size-fits-all conception of introversion as people
who are shy, quiet, and prefer to be alone. This
steretype ignores the fact that people who are
predominantly introverted usually have some
extroverted characteristics, and that there are four
different subtypes:
- Social Introverts
- Thinking Introverts
- Anxious Introverts
- Restrained Introverts.
Understanding yourself will help you plan your
perfect wedding
Wedding planning for Social
Being a Social Introvert doesn't mean you that you are
shy, or that you are going to always avoid going to
parties, but is does mean that you prefer your social
interactions to be streamlined and that alone-time is
important to you.
Wedding planning for
Thinking Introverts
Thinking Introverts tend to have creative
imaginations. And, contrary to the stereotype, tend
not to have the aversion to social events that people
assume are part and parcel of being introverted.
Wedding planning for Anxious
If you often feel self-conscious, awkward or shy
around people, you are likely to be an Anxious
Introvert. But this means that you are very aware of
your comfort zones. You can use your insight to plan
your wedding in such a way as to ensure that your
boundaries aren't crossed.
Wedding planning for
Restrained Introverts
Restrained Introverts don't like being pushed to make
decisions on the spot. It also means that you are
likely to take some time to warm up in social
situations. Which makes your wedding the perfect
situation given that it starts with a ceremony where
you have little interaction with your guests, is
followed by a photo session where you are closely
interacting with only a few people, all close to you,
and that is followed by your reception.
How to minimise the
stress and maximise the fun - for introverted
Lean into the strengths and characteristics of
your type of introversion in the way you plan and
what you plan.
- Dispense with the wedding party. Bridesmaids
and Groomsmen are not a legal requirement and
more and more couples are choosing not to have
any, or to have only one each. It's so common
that no-one will think it's odd. If you decide
to have someone stand up with you, choose
someone you trust and are comfortable with.
Ignore gender and age. Grandma as best woman?
Favourite uncle as chief bridesguy? Go for it.
Everyone will love you for it.
- Choose a venue that offers a variety of
quiet spaces where you can get away for a
breather. One of the benefits of a larger
wedding is that you need a larger venue which
is more likely to have those sort of spaces.
Smaller weddings are usually held in smaller
venues where the only place to disappear for a
while might be the bathroom.
- Make sure that what you wear
- Makes you feel good
- Fits well, so you never have to fiddle
with it
- Is comfortable
- Allows you to go to the bathroom without
- Choose your guests wisely.
- Schedule your wedding for earlier in the
day. Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, and Afternoon
Tea Weddings never get as rowdy as Evening
ones, largely because they don't last as long
and there's less booze.
- Choose a celebrant who is calm and not
likely to be OTT on the day and work with them
to create a ceremony that feels comfortable
for you.
- Ditto for a DJ, if you choose to have one
- Skip the hen's night or stage night. Either
skip it altogether - easy to do if you have no
wedding party, or choose a sit-down dinner at
a quiet restaurant. Other ideas that work are
to book for a class or workshop or find a
opportunity to volunteer for a good cause for
a few hours.
- Start the day out by yourself to give
yourself some time to bank some energy
- Schedule a first look
before the ceremony. Having some time to spend
together, alone, before it all kicks off, is a
great stress-reliever. As a bonus you get
terrific photos
- Plan to have an unplugged
ceremony, and ask your guests not to
share photos on social media
- Walk down the aisle together, or follow the
example of Jewish weddings and have each of
you walk in with both your parents.
- Bring your dog!
- There are no rules about positioning for the
ceremony. So you could
- Ask your celebrant to stand off to one
side instead of in the centre, between you.
That way, when the celebrant is speaking all
eyes won't be on you.
- Decide to sit for the ceremony
- Stand with your backs to the guests. This
is still the way it happens in church (where
everyone faces the altar), and in most
movies, so, while it may be unusual in a
civil ceremony in Australia, it won't be
unfamiliar to guests.
- Read your vows rather than repeating them
after your celebrant. It lessens the stress
- If the thought of speaking or reading your
personal vows terrifies you, write them and
exchange them to be read in private later, or
ask you celebrant to frame them as questions
to which you only need answer "I do". You will
still have to say the legal vows, but those
are only a few words, and you can read them.
- Immediately after the ceremony, schedule
some alone time for the two of you. Ten to
fifteen moments will do it. It's also a great
time to have a snack if your tummy hasn't been
able to cope with much beforehand.
- Be careful in your choice of MC. Your
wedding isn't a team-building exercise so you
want to skip feeling that you're being
dragooned into those "ice-breaking" type
activities that make work-related workshops
and strategic planning days such an ordeal for
- Skip the choreographed grand entrance to
your reception
- Skip the "sweetheart" table for two or the
long top table where you are on show and opt
for sitting at a round table with family
- Skip the solo, choreographed,
Hollywood/Bollywood, first dance. There are
- Schedule time during the reception to sneak
away for some sunset or nighttime photos -
just the two of your and your photographer
- If you aren't comfortable with making a
speech, don't. You can skip the speeches
completely, or only have one or two made by
people you task with thanking everyone and
proposing a toast or two if you'd like that
- If you are going to make a speech, you don't
have to stand. You'll need a wireless
microphone to be able to do that. Make sure
that's on the list of what's needed. The venue
should be able to accommodate that.
- Schedule formal reception activities early -
cutting the cake, speeches etc - so that you
have all the flexibility you need to either
take time out, or leave altogether!
- Skip the recovery party. The day after is
your time to chill and recharge.
How to minimise the
stress and maximise the fun - for introverted
Every wedding will have some guests who are
introverts. As the hosts it is up to you to make
sure that all of your guests feel comfortable.
Yes, it is marrying couple who are regarded to be
the hosts in the 21st century. It's not your
mother's wedding!
- Be considerate when deciding on the dress
code. Build in some flexibility so your guests
can comply without feeling uncomfortable
- Consider providing information with your
invitations about the activities planned for
your wedding, together with an assurance that
there will be quiet spaces or alternative
activities if they choose not to participate.
Having that information may be the deciding
factor about whether to accept or refuse your
- Set the spaces up so there are quiet corners
and intimate spaces where introverted guests
can withdraw to find their people (they won't
be the only introverts present), together with
spaces where they can slip away from everyone
to recharge
- Dial back on the directed activities
- Keep the noise level, flashing lights, and
general disco feel level down
- Schedule formal reception activities early -
cutting the cake, speeches etc - so that
guests who can only handle large social
gatherings for a limited time don't feel
obligated to stay til the bitter end
- Don't fill up every minute with planned and
directed activities that everyone is expected
to participate in
- Never put an introverted guest on the spot
about why they aren't participating.