Personal Vow Writing Service

Vows that will make your partner fall in love with you all over again

Photo of Jennifer Cram, Vows Magician and
                  Authorised Marriage Celebrant with the text "Vows
                  to make your partner fall in love with you all over
                  again"Are you trying to juggle normal life and wedding planning? Are you finding it difficult to find the time to put your love and commitment into beautifully crafted vows that are not only 100% authentic to you, but will make your partner fall in love with you all over again, right there at the altar?

Your vows are both the heart and the high point of your ceremony. This is the moment that your guests look forward to. The moment your photographer and videographer depend on for emotional reactions. Your guests will expect vows that are personal, vows that sound like you, that feel like you. The Vows Magician's professional Vow Writing Service will take the pressure off, blow away the stress, and save the day! I  work closely with to do all the hard work of writing vows that are totally, utterly, and authentically, you and you get all the credit. No-one else needs to know that you had help because, in the end, your input makes your vows, totally you and yours. Magic indeed.
Wow wow wow! I’m speechless - you couldn’t have worded and delivered that any better - it sounds so much like me and what I was feeling but couldn't get together. My gosh! That’s amazing That is so me! I just love it all!  It feels so right when I read it. 
Thank you so so much Jenny!
- Vow Writing Service Client
You did amazing. What you wrote is exactly what I wanted to say and everything I sent you information and you analysed it and looked at it from my point of view. Really appreciate it and the turn around time . You are amazing and so glad I chose you. Thank you for helping me - Vow Writing Service Client

❤ WOWOWOWW! It is a work of art. I love it!!! You are so good at this - Vow Writing Client
❤ OMG this touched me its exactly what I would of wrote. Its so beautiful. Thank you - Vow Writing Client

❤ Everything was perfect! Thank you so much! - Vow Writing Client
❤ Thank you so much this is absolutely perfect! What a brilliant service you offer - Vow and Speech Writing Client
❤ That sounds amazing. I was stumped for so many weeks trying to put it together - Vows Edit and Polish Client
My turnaround time is as fast as you need it to be
❤ That's perfect. You've done an amazing job - Groom Vow Writing Client - 18 hour turnaround
❤ This is amazing, thank you for getting this turn around so fast- Bride Vow Writing Client - 12 hour turnaround
No matter how much of a time-crunch you are in, you won't need to resort to copying something off the internet. Trust me, at least some of the people at your wedding will have heard exactly those vows before, which kind of ruins the moment for them. There is no shame, or harm, in getting professional help to write your vows. And I'd love use my seventeen plus years of experience and expertise as a marriage celebrant to do that for you. 

Let's start writing your awesome personal vows!
  • Wedding vows
  • Vows for your Renewal of Vows celebration
  • Naming Ceremony Promises
  • Proposal Vows

What's involved?

For you, the process is simple, easy, and easy to fit into your already very busy wedding prep schedule because it does not require you to block out chunks of time. You won't be asked to fill out a one-size-fits-all questionnaire or make yourself (or yourselves) available at a specific time. It really is a process you can fit in round all the other things you are doing. And it will feel just like touching bases with a friend at times convenient to you. Best of all. I don't expect you to adapt to suit my process. I adapt my process to suit you. It is truly personal.A copy of Vows
                      that WOW by Jennifer Cram with two red hearts and
                      a full blown apricot rose

Step One: Choosing the service that best suits you
You decide the type of vows you want me to write for you, and choose the appropriate package

Step Two:  Building the picture
We start the conversation that will be ongoing throughout the process and from which the content of your vows will emerge

Step Three: Putting it all together
I draft your vows and send them to you for your comments/reaction

Step Four: Together, we edit until you are blown away and we are 327% sure that your partner will fall in love with you all over again right there at the altar

What do I bring to the process of writing your vows?

Why choose me to be your behind-the-scenes Vows Magician?
  • Vows are my passion. I love getting to know about you, about your relationship and what you want to promise. I love getting matching the words you say with your unique way of speaking.

 Love it. You truly captured all my thoughts and feelings and placed it into something beautiful. You truly are a magician with the way you have written our couples pledge. It's beautiful and so meaningful.- Vow Writing Client

  • I bring so much experience and so many skills in writing vows for couples and individuals and experience of coaching couples to write their own! I'm also the author of four best-selling books about how to write vows, detailing my unique, easy-as process.
  • I hold degrees in English and Psychology together with an Advanced Diploma in Marriage Celebrancy (with Distinction). These, plus a lifetime of writing for publication, and the capacity to effortlessly adapt my vocabulary to the different varieties of English found around the world, give me a distinct advantage in crafting vows that express everything your heart wants to say
  • Most importantly, I guarantee anonymity so no-one will be able to pick that you used my services

The Packages


The Full Bespoke Package

Where I am not your celebrant/officiant, for a very modest fixed price fee, I will work with you to create personal vows that speak to the depth of your commitment and iText: Vows to make your partner fall in
                  love with you all over again with photograph of
                  Jennifer Cram, Brisbane Marriage Celebrant and writer
                  of awesome personal vowsnclude the promises that are important to you.

Using my Vow Writing Service will help you achieve the vows of your dreams regardless of 

  • where you are
  • what type of ceremony you are having
  • whether your ceremony will be a religious one, a civil one, or a humanist one
  • who is officiating
  • whether you both want to make the same vow, or different ones
  • whether you want help with integrating personal promises with your legal vows, or with creating a personal statement of your love and commitment
I absolutely guarantee that when you look into one another's eyes and make your personal vows they will be
  • One-of-a-kind vows, authentic to you, that sound and feel like you
  • Created with your input
  • Easy to read out loud
  • Memorable for all the right reasons
  • Legal (if you wish, I will ensure that the required legal words are incorporated to ensure they meet all legal requirements)
And, here's the best bit, my lips are sealed ... No one needs to know that you didn't write them yourself. Grooms in particular really appreciate that!

The Bespoke Packages has 3 options
  • Joint vows for a couple (both of you saying the same vow) $200
  • Couple Vows that are partly the same and partly individual $250
  • Individual vows - for you alone ($160) or for both of you when booked as a couple ($290)

All three options allow you to review and revise the vows until you are completely blown away by them, secure in the knowledge that one more revision won't add to the cost.

Blending Family Vows Add-on

When your marriage will include children from previous relationships, it can be really important to include vows to your step child or children. When you book a Full Bespoke package, for a nominal add-on fee I will work with you to create the perfect age-appropriate promises

When all you need is a little expert help

I also offer a way giving just a little help with vows you have written yourselves
  • Edit and Polish
    When you've knocked out a draft of your vows but you feel it needs some work. Send it to me and I'll do what editing, rearranging is needed to make the words flow smoothly for $90 per vow, payable up front.
    NB does not apply where the text supplied has been copied from other sources.

Are you more of a DIY person?

Check out my fabulously easy-as guide to writing your own vows. Seventeen plus years of celebrant experience in one affordable how-to guidebook.

Some thoughts and advice about vows on my blog

I'd love to chat with
                    you - obligation free. Jenny xxx. Click here to
                    contact me.