about the Wedding Ceremony
Your ceremony is
my joy and my jam!
I'm totally dedicated to inclusive, meaningful,
memorable ceremonies.
No Cheese. No outdated stereotypes. Nothing awkward or
uncomfortable. Total focus on you.
Avoiding Gender Stereotypes in your Wedding Ceremony
Categories: | Inclusive Weddings |
Wedding Ceremony |
There are six reasons why weddings continue to follow
the blueprint for a traditional hetero wedding. But
there are simple ways to avoid gender stereotypes in
your ceremony.
Next-Gen: The ReImagined Wedding Ceremony
Categories: | Vows | Wedding
Ceremony |
Announcing a complete re-think of what a wedding
ceremony can be. A wedding in tune with your 21st
century values. A wedding ceremony in which patriarchal
values are no longer embedded. The wedding
ceremony you thought you couldn't have because that's
not the way wedding are done.
More ...
See also Animals and
Weddings | Celebrant
| Children and
Weddings | Inclusive Weddings
| Marriage
Paperwork | Vows
| Wedding Attire
| Wedding Legals
| Wedding Rituals
| Wedding
about wedding ceremonies
Who Sits Where at Your Wedding?
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding
Planning |
Where your guests and your loved ones are seated at your
wedding not only impacts on the experience for them,it
can make a huge difference to your photos
More ...
Sealed with a Kiss, or Not
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding
Traditions |
Sealed with a kiss. You may kiss your bride. etc etc.
Every Hollywood movie wedding, every TV soap wedding,
almost every civil ceremony, and even those solemnised
in some, but by no means all, churches end this way
despite a kiss not legally required to seal the deal.
You'll be just as much married if you don't choose to
lock lips. ...
More ...
The Evolution of Wedding Ceremonies: From Expediency
to Personal Expression
Categories: | Wedding Ceremonies |
The traditional wedding ceremony as officiated by civil
celebrants in Australia, has roots firmly embedded in
the Church of England marriage service and even those
ceremonies that are regarded to be contemporary reflect
those origins. But the law is much more flexible about
the content of your ceremony ...
More ...
Finding the Balance: The Role of Humour in Your
Wedding Ceremony
Categories: | Inclusive Weddings | Wedding
One of the most common assertions about wedding
ceremonies today is that the celebrant must be funny,
but what does funny mean in the context of wedding
ceremony, and what are the pros and cons of choosing a
funny celebrant?
More ...
'I Do' Without
Overdoing It:
Guide to
Planning a
Joyful Big
Categories: | Inclusive Weddings |
Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning|
You can have a big joyful wedding when you're an
introvert, but you need to know what sort of introvert
you are, lean into your strengths, know your limits and
plan around them.
What Makes a Good Wedding?
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
After 14 years and well over 1000 weddings (legal and
non-legal), together with 11 books and 190+
blog posts about things wedding, I know a bit about
weddings, and what makes a good wedding, and what
doesn't. ...
More ...
More than "I do": 6 Things Your Wedding Ceremony
Should Achieve
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
A successful wedding ceremony will achieve six things
More ...
Old School Things That Make Wedding Ceremonies
Wonderful - and a Few that Don't
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony
| Wedding Planning |
In all the rush to be modern and contemporary, I think
we often downplay the old school things that make
wedding ceremonies wonderful. In fact, many wedding
professionals act as if nothing old school happens
during the wedding ceremonies they are involved with.
But just because they
are not acknowledged, doesn't mean they aren't there!
Here is my list of all the (largely unacknowledged)
things that have made weddings special forever, and
continue to do so. ...
Civil Ceremony, Secular Ceremony,
Humanist Ceremony. What's the difference?
Categories: Wedding Ceremony |
All legal marriages in Australia are, in a sense, civil
marriage, because they are registered and recognised by
the state. Secular and Humanist marriage ceremonies
differ in some profound ways...
More ...
The Six Stages of Ceremony Development
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
A personal and authentic bespoke ceremony doesn't just
happen. By following my unique six steps of ceremony
development we will make your vision for your ceremony a
reality ...
5 Good Reasons to have a Theme Wedding
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Theme weddings are fun. They also tick all the boxes for
a great experience for you and for your guests ...
Micro Weddings - Pluses and Opportunities
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
While a Micro Wedding is usually interpreted to be
abbreviated on all fronts - a shorter, simpler ceremony
and celebration with only a handful of guests - it
allows greater flexibility and offers many wonderful
possibilities not possible in a larger wedding.
More ...
How Marriage Equality Will Change Wedding Ceremonies
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
Inclusive Wedding |
This is my prediction – wedding ceremonies will change,
but it won’t be a case of the wedding industry
merely accommodating same-sex couples. Rather same sex
couples will influence, by example, all civil wedding
ceremonies in Australia, and all weddings will be the
better for it.
More ...
Has Marriage Equality Changed Weddings? – My
Predictions Revisited
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
Inclusive Wedding |
I predicted that Marriage Equality would change all
weddings in Australia, as more and more heterosexual
couples, previously constrained by a wedding playbook
that includes outmoded traditions and embedded roles
defined by gender, experience the individual,
meaningful, expressions of an equal relationship in the
weddings of same-sex couples - and that every
wedding, gay or straight, would be the better for
it. So how accurate was I?
More ...
Multicultural Fusion Weddings
Categories: Inclusive Weddings | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Rituals | Wedding Traditions | Wedding Planning
If you are an intercultural couple, how do you navigate
your ceremony? It is not uncommon to have two
ceremonies. But there is a third option - a fusion
wedding ceremony that incorporates the traditions of
what are important to you both ...
More ...
21 Good Reasons to Have a Celebrant Wedding
Categories: | Celebrant | Wedding
Ceremony |
A celebrant-led wedding gives you so much more
flexibility and choice than marrying in either a
religious ceremony or a registry office ceremony while
not restricting the content of your ceremony ...
Redesigning Wedding Ceremonies for 2020 (Still
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Rituals |
While developing my own COVIDSafe plan for the
ceremonies I officiate it became clear that many parts
of the ceremony now need a different approach in order
to keep everyone safe. The challenge is how to adapt the
ceremony to make it safer without compromising the
emotion of the occasion ...
More ...
with wedding ceremony stresses and worries
Wedding Ring Supersitions
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding
Rings | Wedding Rituals |
Dive into the multiple superstitions about wedding ring
and old beliefs about what creates both good luck
and bad luck for the marriage ...
More ...
Shy to Say
Personal Vows?
Or Not Allowed
| Vows | Wedding Ceremony |
How do you work around knowing you won't be comfortable
speaking personal promises on the day or you are
marrying in a religious ceremony that does not allow for
personal promises? ...
Wedding Ceremony Anxiety and How to Deal with it
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony
| Wedding Planning |
It is the very rare bride or groom who doesn't develop
some level of wedding ceremony anxiety in the lead up to
their wedding. It's common, but, by understanding what
it is and why you might be feeling that way can go a
long way to damping it down. ...
More ...
How to Deal with Unsolicited Wedding Advice
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning
Unsolicited wedding advice from well-meaning friends and
loved ones can feel like criticism and be stressful. In
this blog post I discuss how to deal with it. ...
More ...
Quick-fix hacks for unexpected wedding problems
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
There will always be something that doesn’t go to plan
on the day. Some have the potential to derail the whole
More ...
How to Avoid Ugly Crying During Your Wedding
Categories: | Vows | Wedding Ceremony |
Are you nervous about ugly crying during the most
emotional parts of the day (the ceremony and the
speeches)? There are tried and true ways to make sure
you feel the emotions but avoid the ugly part of the
crying ...
More ...
Easy ways to Conquer Your Fears about Your
Categories: | Vows | Wedding Ceremony |
One of the biggest fears couples share with me is about
speaking in public and stuffing up their vows, but
making your vows to one another is not like standing on
a platform, facing an audience, and making a speech. So
there are ways to avoid ugly crying ...
Plan X - The 2021 Wedding Must Have (Still
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
Plan X is the plan you have ready to guide you when your
wedding, as planned, can't go ahead on the day because
of restrictions imposed in response to COVID-19
outbreaks ...
More ...
How to have a Stress-Free Wedding in Your Own
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
The benefits of holding your wedding in your own
backyard are many, and varied, but they all add up to
two things - a backyard wedding is easy on the budget,
and it gives you the ultimate opportunity create a more
relaxed, more personal feel to your wedding.
More ...
OMG! We forgot the rings ...
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
Wedding Rings | Wedding Rituals |
Forgetting the wedding rings happens. But it doesn't
have to if you have strategies in place to avoid this.
Worst case scenario? There are multiple creative ways to
deal with being ringless on the day...
Avoid pre-wedding dramas with a Witness Lottery
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
Wedding Planning |
Because being witness is an honour, not choosing someone
who expected to be chosen can cause hurt feelings and a
ongoing drama, including broken friendships and family
rifts. Sidestep problems by having a witness lottery
More ...
What if Someone Objects?
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
We've all seen it in movie after movie - If anyone knows
any reason why these two should not be joined in
marriage, speak now .... So what happens if someone
objects at your wedding?
are no "Rules"
Navigating Religion as a Civil Celebrant
Categories: Published Article | Wedding
What is consent? And how does Real Consent, Informed
Consent, and Intimate Consent apply to celebrant-led
wedding ceremonies? Repost of my article originally
published in
The Celebrant, Issue 12, June
2022, pp 52-61 ...
12 Wedding "Rules" to Kick to the Kerb for a Modern
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Traditions |
Your wedding is a personal occasion, but a personal
occasion that lays a critical foundation
for your future together. There are no rules, other than
minimal legal requirements. But there are plenty of
tyrannical traditions that you can skip with a clear
conscience ...
More ...
Traditions and Your Wedding: Tweak Old Ones and Make
New Ones!
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Traditions |
All traditions were invented by someone for some reason
that was good, socially acceptable, or in line with a
social norm at the time. So it follows that traditions
can be comforting. but they can also be a burden if
they've outlived their usefulness or express values that
are at odds with your own. In the 21st century, there
are good reasons to reexamine traditions that are nearly
200 years old, and tweak them or make new ones ...
Beware the It's Traditional Wedding
Guilt Trip!
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
What lies behind the fairly widespread belief that
all weddings must be traditional? ...
ceremony choreography
The thing I hate most about traditional weddings
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding
Traditions |
A discussion of my pet peeve - the tradition of
making the groom stand with his back to the guests and
to his bride as she makes her way down the aisle to join
him. And why it has a darker side
More ...
The 3 Reasons Where and How You Stand
during Your Wedding Ceremony is Important
Categories: |
Celebrant | Wedding Ceremony
| Wedding Legals
Where you and your celebrant stand in relation to each
other during your marriage ceremony is both legally and
psychologically important ...
Left or Right? Which Side is Correct for Your
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Traditions |
Which side is correct in a wedding depends on what we
are talking about - flowers, rings, or seating ...
More ...
How Many Bridesmaids is Just the Right Number?
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
Wedding Traditions |
There is a very fine line between an appropriate number
of bridesmaids (and groomsmen) and just too many, and a
wide range of factors that come into play when deciding
how many is the right number for your wedding ...
More ...
Pairing up your Wedding Party: Who Walks with Who?
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding
Traditions |
How do you pair up your wedding party when you've tossed
the idea of a strict division along
gender lines and your I Do Crew is made up of your
besties with no regard for equal numbers or matchy
matchy on gender. ...
More ...
Stand by Me - Or Please Be Seated: There are No
Rules for Your Bridal Party, or for Guests at Your
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
There are no rules that require your wedding party to
stand up in the front for the whole ceremony. It is your
choice. However, deciding whether your wedding party
will stand with you, or be seated, comes down to a
number of things ...
More ...
How (Not) to Stagger Down the Aisle (in 3 easy
Categories: Wedding Ceremony
There is an art to walking down the aisle elegantly -
and most of it relates to preparation ...
More ...
Your Grand Entrance: How to walk down the aisle with
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Traditions |
Guests at weddings are very accepting of couples doing
their own thing and making their own decisions about how
to walk down the aisle. No-one bats an eye if you choose
to do something other than walk down the aisle on the
arm of your father. And most people no longer assume
that, if you do walk down the aisle on your father's
arm, the ceremony that follows will be ultra-traditional
and totally predictable ...
More ...
Down the Aisle, Social Distancing Style
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
With restrictions on numbers at weddings relaxed, the
aisle is coming back. But how do you set up your
ceremony space and walk down the aisle with style when
social distancing is still required or prudent ?
More ...
Your Wedding Party - Busting the Myths
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Four myths about wedding parties persist, despite it
being the 21st century, despite society more inclusive,
and despite three quarters of wedding ceremonies in
Australia being civil ceremonies where ceremony content
is all about personal choice and ensuring that your
wedding reflects who you are as a couple. ...
More ...
26 Good Reasons to Schedule a Wedding Rehearsal
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony
| Wedding Planning |
While the practical reasons for having a rehearsal are
well known,other equally important reasons
are rarely discussed, so in this blog post I discuss the
practical reasons together with the emotional and
relationship-strengthening reasons and outline what a
rehearsal should achieve and what happens at one
More ...
friends and loved ones in your ceremony
Celebrate and Include Your Grandfathers in Your
Wedding Ceremony
Categories: | Inclusive Weddings | Wedding
Ceremony |
There are so many ways to include your grandfathers in
your ceremony.
More ...
your celebrant
says in your
wedding - law
and custom
Ceremony |
Legals |
The Marriage Act requires your celebrant to say only one
thing in your wedding. Other people can speak and lead
parts of the ceremony.
Including Your Sisters and Besties in Your Wedding
Categories: | Inclusive Weddings |
Wedding Ceremony
There are many ways to include your sisters and all of
your besties in your ceremony, even if you
want to keep your wedding party small. ...
More ...
Including Your Sisters and Besties in Your Wedding
Categories: | Inclusive Weddings
| Wedding Ceremony |
There are so many ways to include all of your best
female friends and your sisters in your ceremony, even
if you want to keep your wedding party small
Including Your Brothers and Best Mates in Your
Wedding Ceremony
Categories: | Inclusive Wedding |
Wedding Ceremony |
There are so many ways to include all of your best mates
and brothers in your ceremony, even if you want to keep
your wedding party small ...
More ...
Celebrate Your Mothers in Your Wedding Ceremony
Categories: |
Wedding Ceremony | Inclusive Weddings |
There are so many ways to include both mothers in your
ceremony. ...
More ...
Celebrate Your Fathers in Your Wedding Ceremony
Categories: | Inclusive Weddings | Wedding Ceremony |
There are so many ways to include both fathers in your
ceremony.. ...
More ...
Celebrate Your Grandmas in Your Wedding Ceremony
Categories: | Inclusive Weddings | Wedding Ceremony |
There are so many ways to include your grandmothers in
your ceremony.
More ...
How to Remember and Honour Deceased Loved Ones in
your Wedding Ceremony
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Rituals
Memorialising deceased loved ones is something many
couples wish to include in their wedding. There are many
ways to do this, and many things that need to be
considered ...
More ...
Fund your Wedding and Include your Loved Ones with a
Wedding Registry
Categories: | Wedding Budget | Wedding
Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
Rethinking what you might put on your wedding registry
list and/or substituting a Wedding Wish List for a
Wishing Well can be great solutions to two of the big
dilemmas 2020 has created for couples planning to
More ...
How to Hold Your Wedding Bouquet
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Dresses |
How you carry your bouquet can make a world of
difference to your photos, and to how much your guests
see of your beautiful dress and, potentially, your face
More ...
Flowers for Guys
| Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Attire
Think beyond the boutonniere for wedding flowers for
guys ...
More ...
How to Rock Rose Petals in Your Wedding Ceremony
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Traditions |
There are many ways to include rose petals in your
wedding ceremony that will both surprise and delight
your guests because they won't have experienced them
before ...
More ...
14 Ways to Include Lucky White Heather in your
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Planning |
White heather, a Scottish tradition that has spread far
and wide, is considered lucky in weddings. While it is
traditional to include a sprig in a bride's bouquet,
there are many other ways to incorporate it in your
wedding ...
More ...
might not have considered this ...
Form 15: The On the Day Certificate (and yes, it is
a Legal Document!)
Categories: | Marriage Paperwork
| Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
Despite all the misinformation floating around about it,
the Form 15 certificate your celebrant hands you on your
wedding day IS a legal document and not a mere keepsake
or souvenir.
Consent, Celebrants and the 'Real Estate
Categories: Published Article |
Wedding Ceremony |
In this article I discuss the ethical and legal
responsibility of celebrants to couples as consumers of
celebrant services and how this relates to consent
around branding and marketing. Repost of my article
originally published in The Celebrant, Issue 13,
September 2022, pp 20-31
Facebook and Instagram posts by the Editor, Veronika
Robinson, said this about this article: "An Absolute
must-read article for any celebrant who claims to create
ceremonies based on the client's beliefs." ...
The Power of the Subliminal: Celebrant-Led
Ceremonies and Cultural Bias
Categories: Published Article |
Wedding Ceremony | Inclusive Weddings
Wedding ceremonies are culturally loaded events
influenced by Class Culture, Christian Culture, Consumer
Culture, and Celebrity Culture. This is equally relevant
to marrying couples and to anyone involved in the
wedding industry. Repost of my article originally
published in The Celebrant, Issue 12, June 2022,
pp 6-17 ...
4 ways your choice of celebrant can make or break
your wedding photos
| Celebrant | Wedding
Ceremony |
There 4 surprising and not-so-surprising ways that who
you choose as your celebrant can have a positive or
negative impact on how well your wedding photos turn out
How to add Surprises to your Wedding Ceremony
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
A great way to make sure your guests are engaged and
entertained by your wedding ceremony is to do the
unexpected, to surprise them....
More ...
8 Legit Ways to Use Smart Phones in your Wedding
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Smart phones are a largely ignored and definitely
under-exploited resource in wedding ceremonies ...
More ...
Weddings and Weaponry in Queensland
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Legals |
Carrying a knife (sgian dubh) is part of the traditional
male Scottish Highland Dress. But in many
places, including Queensland, carrying a knife in a
public place can land you in trouble with the law. Read
on to find out about the rules and what you can do to
get round them ....
More ...
Could a Tandem Wedding be Your Thing?
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Legals | Wedding Planning |
A tandem wedding ceremony is one that is officiated by
two people, working in concert, but only one of whom is
authorised to solemnise legal marriages ...
Friend or Professional Celebrant?
Categories: Celebrant | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding
Legals |
Would choosing a friend instead of a professional
celebrant to conduct your wedding ceremony be a good
option for you? Everything you need to consider -
and how you can have the best of both worlds ...
More ...
Why Border-Straddling Weddings Are a No-No
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Legals |
Marriages in Australia must be registered in the state
or territory in which they take place...
More ...
Everyone Present at Your Wedding is a Guest
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Planning |
Everyone present at your wedding is a guest, including
the two of you! This is something to take to heart. It's
not just about being kind and considerate, it is also
about social media use...
Can you all hear me?
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Planning |
How successful your wedding ceremony is depends very
largely on your guests being able to hear
every word. That can mean your celebrant needs to use a
PA system. However, the choices you make early in your
planning, and the unexpected challenges your chosen
venue throws up, can have an immense impact on how well
your guests will be able to hear the
ceremony. ...
More ...
Pimp up your wedding ceremony program to the max
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Planning |
Wedding programs have fallen out of favour. They are no
longer a must-have. However, done well, your wedding
program can serve as a guide to your ceremony, an
introduction that adds to the anticipation and
excitement ...
More ...
White Weddings are uh, White
Categories: | Inclusive Weddings |
Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Planning |
The traditional white wedding, still seen as the norm in
Australia, is culturally white, through and
More ...
You CAN have a wedding free of gender-role
Categories: | Inclusive Wedding |
Wedding Ceremony |
The Marriage Act permits couples to have a wedding that
is totally free of gender-role stereotypes Regardless of
how much pressure others may apply to try to make you
confirm to gender stereotypes, you are legally entitled
to ignore them. ...
More ...
Getting married when you don’t identify with a
Categories: Inclusive Wedding | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Legals |
Gender is now immaterial when getting married in
Australia. When marrying you do not have to use gendered
terminology or adhere to gendered role ...
More ...
Same Sex Ceremonies - Negotiating the Gendered
Nature of Ceremony Traditions
Categories: Inclusive Weddings | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Traditions |
Rather than assign roles, assign various customs ....
More ...
Unplugged Wedding: Pros, Cons, and Alternatives
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning
Having an unplugged wedding has benefits, but it also
has drawbacks. A compromise position might be the best
strategy.. ...
More ...
No Wedding Ceremony Is Boring ... However ...
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Weddings and wedding ceremonies have acquired the
reputation of being boring even though no wedding is
boring if you've never been to a wedding before. The
problem isn't that weddings are boring, but that they
are predictable, which is both comforting and boring.
And that's the challenge.
White Weddings are uh, White
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
The traditional white wedding, still seen as the norm in
Australia, is culturally white, through and
More ...
Like First Impressions, the First Line of Your
Wedding Ceremony Matters
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
The first line of your wedding ceremony can be
captivating and intriguing. It can make your
guests lean forward, eager to participate. It does not
have to be boring. Unfortunately, it often is...
More ...
You Absolutely Should Plan Your Wedding with
Anniversaries in Mind
Categories: | Vow Renewals | Wedding Ceremony |
Weddings are about making memories, and one of the ways
to keep the memory of your wedding alive is to celebrate
your wedding anniversaries. Planning your wedding with
future wedding anniversaries in mind is particularly
important at the moment, when COVID-19 has imposed so
many restrictions on weddings. ...
More ...
Breakfast Weddings - A Beautiful Budget-Friendly
Categories: | Wedding Budget | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Planning |
Even on a weekend, having a breakfast wedding gives you
more options and more chance of booking your chosen
suppliers. And it is a very budget-friendly option ....
More ...
How to Have a Plastic Free Wedding
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
Your wedding day is a great opportunity to share and
showcase your values. It is also a day that presents
multiple opportunities to either pile on the plastics or
do your best to avoid that. So I've put together some
suggestions, some simple, some straightforward, some the
and some a little bit cheeky! ...
More ...
The Groom is Getting Married Too!
Categories: | Inclusive Weddings | Wedding
Ceremony |
On your wedding day, two people are getting married. It
is time to give the groom equal billing, and here's how
you can do that easily, without added expense, and
without mystifying your guests ...
How to have a Non-Legal Wedding Ceremony
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
Getting married and having a wedding can be a two-step
process.. ...
More ...
Double Weddings are Fun, Budget Friendly, and Poised
for a Comeback
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning
Double weddings are great fun, budget friendly and
likely to make a comeback because of extra competition
for dates, venues and vendors that will flow on from
weddings postponed in 2020 ...
More ...
What's the Best Time of the Day to Get Married?
Categories: |
Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
The time of day you choose for your wedding will have a
significant impact on your whole day, including on your
budget, your photographs, your choice of venue, and
possibly on the availability of your preferred vendors
and whether or not guests can attend ...
More ...
Your Wedding, Your Story
Categories: |
Wedding Ceremony |
Sharing your love story with your guests is a common
feature in a marriage ceremony, but how do you do that
in the best possible way, particularly when many of your
friends and loved ones are not going to be able to be at
your wedding? ...
More ...
Romantic Wedding Ring Ideas
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding
Rings | Wedding Rituals |
One of the most emotional (and romantic) high points of
your marriage ceremony is the exchange of your wedding
rings. Why not make that moment even more romantic by
adding something unique to the two of you, something
that emphasises that your rings symbolise your love and
unity ...
More ...
How to Write a Love Letter
Categories: |
Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Rituals|
What could possibly be more romantic than receiving a
love letter? Writing one! Putting your love in writing
is a way to have it endure for ever....
More ...
Getting Married via Skype - Possible in Australia or
Categories: |
Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
Wedding Planning |
Sorry, it is NOT legal in Australia to get married over
Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, or
other videoconferencing technology, or by proxy. And
this is why...
More ...
Can You Have Two (or More) Weddings?
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
Wedding Planning |
Can you, as a marrying couple, have more than one
wedding? The answer is Yes, but also, That Depends...
More ...
You Are Never Too Old To Get Married the Way you
Categories: | Inclusive Weddings | Wedding
Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
How do you, as a mature age couple, negotiate the whole
process of wedding planning when most of the marketing,
information, and focus out in wedding land is on the
younger couple wanting the fairy-tale wedding
experience? ...
The Importance of Consent: Why no-one can force you
to marry, to kiss in your wedding, or to have sex
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
Celebrants in Australia have to be on the lookout for
any indication that you might not be freely and
willingly agreeing to marry, and if we are at all
concerned, to pull the plug on the wedding. You can't be
forced to marry, to kiss during the wedding, or to
have sex after marriage ...
More ...
May Love Be Your Umbrella: Using Umbrellas and
Parasols in Your Wedding Ceremony
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Rituals |
Umbrellas present fabulously Instagramable opportunities
for your wedding, including many richly symbolic ways to
feature them in the ceremony ...
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Love and Laughter make for an Unboring Wedding
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Other than getting the legal bits right, spontaneous and
shared laughter is the most important ingredient for a
wedding ceremony. It lifts the mood. It relaxes
everyone. When everyone is laughing they are engaged in
an experience. They are not merely an audience ...
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What's a Legals Only Wedding?
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
You might be wondering what those Legals Only weddings
you've seen advertised are. Simply put, Legals Only is
marriage celebrant speak/shorthand for the bare minimum
ceremony as required by the Marriage Act. But that's not
the whole story ...
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When (soppily) romantic isn't your thing
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
Your wedding ceremony doesn't have to be dripping with
sentimentality to be meaningful, and special, and a real
reflection of the commitment the two of you have to one
another and to your marriage. If you don't do soppy, and
don't feel comfortable with lovey-dovey poetry or
extravagant vows, you can still have a personal ceremony
that is everything you wish for." ...
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It's True - Your Marriage Ceremony can be
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
It might surprise you to learn that there is nothing in
the Marriage Act that requires that your marriage
ceremony has to follow a tightly structured script. As
long as you meet the very minimal legal requirements,
everything else is optional! ...
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Charitable Giving and your Wedding
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning
There are many ways to make charitable giving part of
your wedding, including making it part of your ceremony,
and it is always a good idea to give your guests a
heads-up if you are asking them to give to a cause dear
to you ...
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How to Get Them to the Ceremony on Time
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
Guests arriving late to the ceremony is a common problem
which puts you, your celebrant, your photographer,
together with other guests in the unenviable
position of having to decide whether you will exchange
your vows in front of a lot of empty seats, have special
people miss the ceremony, suffer disruptions caused by
people wandering in half way through the ceremony, or
become unwell because of a long wait in the heat. ...
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How to have a Hygge Wedding in a Heatwave
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
A hygge wedding is a perfect way to beat the heat and
have a cosy and comfortable wedding ...
10 Ways to Beat the Heat on Your Wedding Day
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
Australia is a hot place where outdoor weddings are
popular. Heat can compromise your wedding in many ways,
Doing these 10 things can help you beat the heat and
have a fantastic day ...
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Religion in your Civil Marriage Ceremony
Categories: Vows | Wedding Ceremony |
In Australia there is no prohibition on including
personal expressions of religious or spiritual belief in
a civil marriage ceremony, and there are many ways to do
this ...
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A Spontaneous Wedding? Yes you can
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
Wedding Planning |
Does that whole let's get married now vibe appeal to
you? No big wedding, just running away and doing it
without any fuss and bother?...
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Balloons and Bushfires
Categories: Naming Ceremonies | Wedding Ceremony |
Wedding Rituals | Wedding Planning |
Balloon releases can cause or spread bushfires
The curious reasons why Marriage Documents are
signed with black ink
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
Have you ever wondered why your marriage certificate
must be signed in black ink? Or, indeed, why the Notice
of Intended Marriage should be filled in using black ink
(if you're filling it in by hand)? It has a lot to do
with archival requirements - but also with status!
Acknowledgement of Country
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Rituals |
Starting your wedding or other ceremony with an
Acknowledgement of Country sends a powerful message of
respect and inclusion...
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Booze, Pills, and your Wedding
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
Being drunk or under the influence of other substances,
legal or otherwise, can prevent you from getting married
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Showcasing Wedding Music Makers
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
One of the joys of being a celebrant is seeing other
wedding professionals "on the job", and working with
them as a team. Recently, I took the opportunity to
delve into what lies behind the skills of a couple of
favourite wedding music makers, and what enables them to
make the magic they do...
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Showcasing Wedding Photographers
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
One of the joys of being a celebrant is seeing other
wedding professionals "on the job", and working with
them as a team. Recently, I took the opportunity to sit
down with two photographers I always love working with
to delve into what lies behind the skills, what enables
them to make the magic they do...
More ...
Surprise Weddings - How to have a successful one
without breaking the law
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
Wedding Planning |
The Marriage Act is very clear. Surprise weddings are
illegal - but only if one of the marrying
couple is being surprised. Which means there are plenty
of legal ways to have a surprise wedding ...
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Witnesses and Weddings
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Legals |
In Australia, no matter whether you marry in church, the
registry office, or by a civil celebrant, and no matter
whether you have the big white wedding with a large
wedding party, or choose just to elope, the one thing
that every wedding must have is two witnesses...
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'You may kiss your bride' - oh yeah? How to
have the Perfect (and Perfectly Modern) Kiss
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Traditions |
As a celebrant I not only see many many wedding kisses,
I also have the responsibility of prompting them. Your
first kiss as a married couple will be photographed and
remembered by your guests (and everyone who sees the
photographs) for years and years, so it is important to
plan for the perfect kiss!
Great Wedding Photos Start in the Mind
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning
Mindset and mind-power can make or break your wedding
photos ...
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Don't Forget This One Simple Thing When Choosing a
Ceremony Venue
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning |
There is a very simple thing that makes all the
difference when choosing your ceremony venue. Forgetting
to do it is a serious oversight ...
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How to Avoid the #1 Wedding Embarrassment
Categories: Wedding Ceremony | Wedding Planning
The most feared wedding embarrassment is something that
nobody wants to do in public, let alone at their wedding
More .....
7 Things to Read at your Wedding instead of a Poem
Categories: | Wedding Ceremony |
While meaningful readings can add to the whole emotional
impact of a personal ceremony, just inserting a standard
reading or two adds little or nothing, and can detract.
marrying with a civil celebrant opens up many more
possibilities, as long as we think outside the box and
don't feel constrained by (or obligated to follow) the
tradition of including 3 readings
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Realistic Wedding Readings
Categories: Wedding Ceremony |
If you're a down to earth couple, with a realistic view
of what marriage really entails, the vast majority of
the poems and poetic prose read at weddings are just not
for you. I've gathered together a selection of more
down-to-earth readings...
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Wedding Reading - Epithalamium
Categories: Wedding Ceremony |
A beautiful poem read at the wedding of the first gay
couple to legally marry in Scotland ...
The Problem with Wedding Readings
Categories: Celebrant | Wedding
Most people assume that you have to have readings in a
wedding ceremony. Unfortunately, on the day they often
don't work ...
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Getting the Author right for a Wedding Reading
Categories: Wedding Ceremony |
A popular poem claimed to be a translation of an
original Persian poem by Sufi poet, Hafiz, is found
not to be so. Another is credited to Dr Seuss. Also
not so. This is a problem because ...
Guest Blog Post on the Wedlockers site:
Louder than Words: The Potent "Hidden" Messages Your
Wedding Ceremony Can Send
As the saying goes, the little things are the big
things. In weddings, subtle messages sent by both
actions and words speak volumes about your relationship.
Whether accurate or inaccurate, subtle “hidden” messages
can influence the way your relationship is perceived and
the marriage itself ...
Read it